The Bermuda Chess Angle
Setup is as shown in first figure.
Rook, Knight, Bishop, Queen, King (as in orthodox chess) Ship - moves diagonally or orthogonally up to two spaces Pawns - as in traditional chess, but can also promote to Ships
Primary Objective: Capture the opponent's King. Play is much the same as in Western Chess. There is still castling, capture by en passant, pawn promotion, checks. But not checkmates. The disappearing factor can turn what would be a checkmate into a terrible blunder... so to win you must capture your opponent's King. Also, you can castle through a check and even move into check (if you want to). You will later see why moving into check might happen (see example 1). Note that the USCF 3-time repletion draw factor applies. Each side has 10 pawns and also two pieces referred to as Ships. The Ships move diagonally or orthogonally up to two spaces. Pawns can promote as in traditional chess, but can also promote to Ships. Kings can be captured in this game and they can be lost in the Bermuda Chess Angle. Losing your King losses the game. To castle Kingside the King must now move 3 spaces instead of two. To castle Queenside the King must now move 4 spaces instead of 3. Remember, it is legal to castle through a check in this game. One of the few benefits of living along the shoreline of the Bermuda Chess Angle. For each turn play is as follows, until the game ends: 1. White moves. If the move involved moving into, moving within, or moving through [and or out of] the Bermuda Chess Angle, then the Bermuda Chess Angle Factor (BCAF) (calculated in step 2) must be used to determine whether or not the piece (or possibly another) has disappeared. In addition, if any pawns or pieces (friendly or opponent’s) are in the Bermuda Chess Angle, you must determine the BCAF as stated in step 2. 2. (Step 2a) roll a six sided die and note the result* 1 = c file, 2 = d-file, 3 = e, 4 = f, 5 = g, and 6 = h-file (Step 2b) roll again (or roll a second die) and note the result* 1= 3, 2 = 4, 3 = 5, 4 = 6, 5 = 7, 7 = 8 Example: A dice roll of “4, 5†indicates square f7 in the Bermuda Chess Angle. * A random method other than dice roll is acceptable in determining the BCAF. Painting over a pair of old dice makes interpretation instant: i.e., one die with c, d, e, f, g, h on its surfaces and another with 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. 3. If a pawn or piece is on the indicated Bermuda Chess Angle square, that pawn or piece (or even King) is removed. 4. If the pawn or piece [that just moved] passed through the point calculated in step 2 (including point of origin and point of destination) then that pawn or piece is removed from the game. Examples follow. 5. Black moves. If the move involved moving into, moving within, or moving through [and or out of] the Bermuda Chess Angle, then a new Bermuda Chess Angle Factor (calculated in step 6) must be used to determine whether or not the piece (or possibly another) has disappeared. In addition, if any pawns or pieces (friendly or opponent’s) are in the Bermuda Chess Angle, you must determine the BCAF stated in step 6. 6. Determine the Bermuda Chess Angle Factor using the same method as used in step 2. 7. Repeat steps 3 and 4. It is then White’s move again. Note: Captures, Checks, and Checkmates are not final until the player who made the capture, check, or checkmate has completed the Bermuda Chess Angle Factor calculation and piece/pawn removal(if applicable). Examples: Position #1: Black to Move.Notes
The Bermuda Chess Angle variant is not intended for players who want to rely purely on chess logic. The probabilities of pawns and pieces disappearing will certainly destroy many plans. So, why play this game? If you are much stronger than your opponent this game will give him (or her) a ray of hope. Also, if you want to use statistics to calculate your chances of success for a given move, this game will let you play around with the math. Though it is fairly simple math, it could serve as a nice statistical/probabilities introduction to young players. A Special Thanks To: for hosting of the chess variants contests and for maintaining an excellent playable archive site. David Howe, for creating Alfaerie Chess Graphics which were used in this document’s illustrations; and for creating the game submissions form and user-editing features which I used to submit this game, edit it, and add graphics. (c) March 2005 by Gary K. Gifford
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Web page created: 2005-04-30. Web page last updated: 2005-04-30