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Gary K. Gifford
User ID: penswift

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User ID: penswift
Contributor, Game Inventor, Member
Last Logged on 2024-12-02 16:08:05.
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Gary works as a technical writer/editor/illustrator for the healthcare
industry. He spent six years in the Navy, four aboard a nuclear fast
attack submarine. He is the author of the book, "The Bermuda Pie-Angle,
Cartoons and Word Play," and the science fiction/fantasy novel "Planet of
Female Humanoids" (by G. K. Gifford), co-author of the chess book, "Winning
with the Krazy Kat and Old Hippo," and author of Makruk and Ouk Chatrang
(Thailand and Cambodian Chess."
Gary lives near Cleveland, Ohio with his wife, 3 of 4 children, 3 cats and
a crazy dog.
He created Pillars of Medusa for a novel and it was that game that got Gary
involved in chess variants. Note that his Desert Pub Chess appears in
"Planet of Female Humanoids and the appendix of that book includes the
Gary is the current Editor of the Unorthodox Openings Newsletter (UON),
which publishes chess games, book reviews, and articles pertaining to
uncommon chess openings, such as the Blackmar Diemer Gambit and Grob. He
was the founder and president of the former Wildwood Chess and Strategy
Games Club, is a current member of the Fairport Harbor Chess Club and Perry
Chess Club, and at one time directed official USCF tournaments. When not
writing, drawing, working or playing games he enjoys playing guitar,
ukulele, melodica, banjo, mandolin, dobro, dulcimer and harmonica (but
mostly banjo and ukulele). He also has made several cigar box guitars (see:
) and a video here: .