Variants playable against the diagram's AI
This page serves as an index to the various Interactive Diagrams that were posted over time in the comments on the articles about the variants they implement. (In so far I could remember those.) With the accumulation of comments these diagrams sometimes are pushed way back in the list, where they are hard to find. And now that the Diagram is equiped with an AI, it seems useful to keep those easily accessible for people who want to play against them.
I also included links to articles that contain an interactive diagram on their main page. The list is limited to variants for which the AI of the diagram understands the rules well enough to actually play it. So I excluded games with piece drops, which the AI doesn't support.

In case your favorite variant is not in the list, the Play-Test Applet allows you to define a wide range of variants for the Interactive Diagram, and play against those on the spot. Of course you are invited to actually post the result of such endeavors.
Note that the Diagram's AI is intended to be a casual opponent rather than a GM-level player, and in particular is pretty poor at end-games. To try whether unorthodox pieces have mating potential, there is a version of the diagram available that is powered by an end-game-table generator, where you can pactice checkmating a bare King with pieces of your own design, on boards of various sizes and shapes. There is a Checkmating Applet both for 2 vs 1 and 3-vs-1 end-games.
- AIGO Chess
- Airplane Chess
- Ajax Chess
- All the Way Chess
- Alpaca Chess
- Amalgamated Chess
- Apothecary Chess Classic
- Apothecary Chess Modern
- Archchess
- ArchCourier Chess
- Arch-Chancellor Chess
- Arch-General Chess
- Arktur
- Ascension
- Asylum Chess
- Asymmetric Chess
- Aviation Chess
- Azchess
- Bachelor Chess
- Balaklava Chess
- Balbo's Chess
- Banner Xiangqi
- Basic Bestiary
- Battery Chess
- Bastille Chess
- Bear Chess
- Beastmaster Chess
- Beseige Chess
- Big Chess
- Big Outer Chess
- The Black Ghost
- Black Hole Chess
- Bland Chess 46
- Blue Chip Chess
- Bombardier Chess
- Bottleneck Chess
- Bovine Chess
- The Bridge 41
- Brett Rules
- Brickchucking Chess
- Brigadeer Chess
- Brotherhood Chess
- Brouhaha
- Buccaneer Chess
- Cagliostro's Chess
- Caissa Britannia
- Camelrider Chess
- Cannonrider Chess
- Cannons and Crabs
- Canoness Chess
- Capablanca Random Chess
- Capped Pawns
- Captain's Chess
- Capture the Scepter
- Cardinal Chess
- Cavalier Chess
- Cavalry Chess
- Centaur Chess
- Center of Attention (King of the Hill)
- Central Point Chess
- Cetina Random Chess
- Centennial Chess
- Cetran Chess 2
- Chak
- Chess
- Chess960
- Chess and a Half
- Chess II
- Chess on a Really Big Board
- Chess with Different Armies
- Chess with Different Armies (Rookies-Bozos)
- Chess with Different Armies (Clobberers-Nutters)
- Chess with Different Armies (Daring Dragons)
- Chess with Different Armies (Silly Sliders)
- Chu Shogi
- Citadel
- Citadel - 8 rank
- Citadelir Chess
- Claustrophobia
- Clear of Knights Chess
- Colossus
- Compromise Chess
- The Consuls
- Courier Chess
- Courier 'de la Dama'
- Crooked Board Chess
- Cross Chess
- Crossbishop Chess
- Crossbishop Chess 10x8
- Cross-Eyed Chess
- Crossover Chess
- Crossrook Chess
- Crouching Stepper, Hidden Rider
- Crown Prince Chess
- Cuarenta
- Cylindrical Chess
- Dabbabante Chess
- Dai Shogi
- Decimaka
- Delegating Chess
- Demi-Chess
- DemiChess
- DemiRifleChess
- The Demon Game
- Dervish Chess
- Desert Pub Chess
- Diagonal Pawn Chess
- Diamond Chess
- Dimachaer Chess
- Dipole Chess
- Displacement Chess 2
- Divided Forces Chess
- Divergent Chess
- Doublebarrel Chess
- Doublecannon Chess
- Doublecannon Chess (10x8)
- Doublestep Chess
- Douglas Modern Chess
- Dromedary Chess
- Dream Chess 46
- Dream Chess 47
- Duke of Rutland Chess
- Dunsany's Chess
- Duck Chess
- Dutch Chess
- Dynasty Chess
- Eight Kings
- Elbow Room
- Elena Chess
- Elk Chess
- Elkrider Chess
- Edgehog Chess I
- Elven Chess
- Embassy Chess
- Emperor Chess
- The Emperor's Game
- Empire Chess
- Enhanced Courier Chess
- Enep
- Energizer Chess
- Epic Chess
- Eric's Great Chess
- Euchess
- Eurasian Chess
- Europan Chess
- Evolution Chess (8x8)
- Evolution Chess (7x6)
- Exinox Chess
- Expanded Chess
- Extended Half-Chess
- Falcon Chess
- Fantastic XIII
- Fantasy Grand Chess
- Fighting Kings
- Fischer Random Chess
- Fish Chess
- Flank Chess
- Flee!
- Flying Bombers Grand Chess
- Flying Bombers with Hangars
- fortress
- Four File Chess
- Frog Chess
- Full Double Chess
- Furious Courier
- Gadsden's Toroidal Chess
- General Chess
- Gigachess II
- Golden Age Chess on a really big board
- Goodchess
- GoshawkChess
- Gothic Chess
- Grand Alamos Chess
- Grand Apothecary Chess Alert
- Grand Apothecary Chess Classic
- Grand Apothecary Chess Modern
- Grand Betza
- Grand Cavalier Chess
- Grand Chess
- Grand Chu Chess
- Grand Ducal Chess
- Grandkingdom Chess
- Grand Shatranj D
- Grand Shatranj R
- Grand Shatranj N W
- Grand Tamerlane Chess
- Grand Triple Chess
- Granlem Shatranj
- Grant Acedrex
- Grasshopper Chess
- GraTiA
- Great Chess - Indian / Turkish variant
- Great Herd
- Great Shatranj D
- Great Shatranj R
- Gross Chess
- Hadean Chess
- Half Chess
- Half Courier
- Hammer Chess
- Hannibal Chess
- Hans 38Special
- Hans 38 Chess
- Haynie's Game of Leapers
- Haynie's high power fairy chess 64
- Haynie's Oblong Chess 128
- Haynie's Primary Chess
- Heavy Gravity Chess
- Heavy Shako
- Hecatomb
- Hecatomb promotion
- Hectochess
- Herb garden chess
- Herculean Chess
- Herd
- Hia Chess
- Holywar
- Hoppel-Poppel
- Horizons
- HyperModern Shatranj
- I-Chess
- Janus Kamil Chess
- Jetan
- Kingsmen
- Knightmate
- Left-Right Chess
- Lemurian Shatranj
- Lions and Unicorns Chess
- Maasai Chess - Zanzibar-XXL
- Makruk
- Metamachy
- Middle Xiangqi
- Midgard Chess
- Mighty-Lion Chess
- Minjiku Shogi
- Mir Chess
- Missing Bat Chess
- Mitsugumi Shogi
- Modern Shatranj
- Musketeer Chess
- Nachtmahr
- Odin's Rune Chess
- Omega Chess
- Oppulent Chess
- Oppulent Lemurian Shatranj
- Paco Shako
- Pemba
- Pink Chess
- Pirate-Henge-Ho
- Quang Trung
- Quinquereme Chess
- Raichu Shogi
- Reformed Courier-Spiel
- Refusal Chess
- Reiwa Dai Shogi
- Renniassance Chess
- Roman Chess
- Rose Chess XII
- a Royal and his Pet
- Ryugi
- Sac Chess
- Scheherazade
- Scirocco (revised)
- Shako
- Shatranj
- Shatranj Kamil 64
- Shatranj Kamil X
- Shock Chess
- Skica
- Spartan Chess
- Stone Garden Chess
- The Sultan's Game
- Suzumu Shogi
- Symmetric Chess
- Tamerlane Chess
- Tamerlane II
- Team-Mate Chess
- TenCubed Chess
- Terachess II
- Ultima
- Unicorn Great Chess
- Unnamed game with Generals
- Venator Chess
- Veteran Chess
- Victorian Chess
- War of the Roses
- Werewolf Chess
- Wildebeest Chess
- Wildebeest Decimal Chess
- Wild Tamerlane Chess
- Xhess
- Xiangqi
- Yangsi
- Zanzibar-S
Operating Instructions
A small reminder for how to operate the Interactive diagram:
Click on the link "Play it!" below the diagram to open (or close) the "AI control panel". (See example below.) As long as the panel is open the AI will respond to any move you make in the diagram with a move by a piece of the opposit color. Moves played by you or the AI will be recorded in the AI control panel below the row of buttons. You can use these buttons to step through the game for viewing earlier positions. To play new moves the latest position of the game has to be displayed, however. (But you can circumvent that restriction by closing the AI panel.) There also are buttons to start a new game (erasing the old game record), or to force the AI to make a move.
The message at the top of the diagram will inform you on whether the AI thinks the game has ended, and why. (So do no scroll it out of view!) A legend of the pieces can be opened (and closed) by clicking on the word "here" below the diagram; clicking on the name of a piece in the resulting table will show a move diagram for that piece. (And clicking it again, or anywhere on the board, will return the display to the current game position.)
The game record can (of course) be copied for posting it somewhere, but it can also be pasted back into the diagram, to use the latter as a game viewer through the navigation buttons. In the case of shuffle variants it is important to copy the number in {braces} with the moves, as this number identifies the initial position that the random shuffling resulted in for this game. (And without knowing that, the following moves would be meaningless!)
Try pasting this game into the diagram: 1. f4 Nc6 2. Nh3 Nh6 3. Bc5 Cg6 4. Cg3 d6 5. O-O dxc5 6. Cxg6 hxg6 7. Ng5 f6 8. Ne4 Bd5 9. d3 O-O 10. e3 Af5 11. Ng3 Ae6 12. Ni4
This 'user submitted' page is a collaboration between the posting user and the Chess Variant Pages. Registered contributors to the Chess Variant Pages have the ability to post their own works, subject to review and editing by the Chess Variant Pages Editorial Staff.
By H. G. Muller.
Last revised by H. G. Muller.
Web page created: 2021-05-02. Web page last updated: 2025-03-03