Bastille Chess
By Paul DeWitte
This chess variant was developed for use with members of the Notre Dame School Chess Club in Kitchener, Ontario.Board
The game uses the standard 8X8, 64-cell board.Setup
Interactive diagram: pieces movable, right-click resets!
Click here to open/close a piece overview. Play it!
Standard FIDE chess pieces are used in this game. Pieces possess their regular moves. However, no pieces are royal.Rules
A player wins by being the first to expel his opponent from his four-square palace. If Black is first to have no piece occupying the d8, e8, d7, and e7 area, White wins. If White is first to have no piece in the d1, e1, d2, and e2 area, Black wins.Kings are not royal; the game continues even if one or both Kings have been captured.
Castling is permitted. Pawns promote. En passant captures are legal.