Check out Makruk (Thai Chess), our featured variant for March, 2025.

This page is written by the game's inventor, Daphne Snowmoon.

Citadelir chess

Grand chess + Tamerlane chess


The Board.

R - - - - - - - - - - R
- E L O C V V C O L E -
- N B F M Q K A G B N -
- - P - - P P - - P - -
- - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - -
- - P - - P P - - P - -
- N B F M Q K A G B T -
- E L O C V V C O L E -
R - - - - - - - - - - R



* Leaper can pass pieces when it moves more than 2 squares.


Wizard(W) : Leaper. It leaps diagonally one square, or leaps like the Camel. A 1x1 or 3x1 leaper.

Rook(R) : It moves any number of squares orthogonally.

Elephant(E) : It moves as a Bishop but it must hop over a intervening piece to move.

Lion(L) : Leaper. A 3x0 or 3x1 leaper.

Ox(O) : Leaper. It leaps a distance of three squares in one dimension and two in the other. A 3x2 leaper.

Revealer(V) : Leaper. It leaps diagonally 3 squares. A 3x3 leaper.

Cannon(C) : it moves as a Rook but it must hop over a intervening piece to move.

Knight(N) : Leaper. A 2x1 leaper.

Bishop(B) : It moves any number of squares diagonally.

Falcon(F) : It moves one square orthogonally and then any number of squares in an outward diagonal direction like a Bishop. when there is a piece on the orthogonal first step of its move, it cannot move in that direction and cannot capture the piece.

Giraffe(G) : It moves one square diagonally and then any number of squares in an outward orthogonal direction like a Rook. but when there is a piece on the diagonal first step of its move, it cannot move in that direction and cannot capture the piece.

Queen(Q) : It moves like the Rook, or the Bishop.

Marshal(M) : It moves like the Rook, or leaps like the Knight.

Cardinal(A) : It moves like the Bishop, or leaps like the Knight.

King(K) : It moves one square orthogonally or diagonally.

- When your King is checkmated, you are defeated.

Pawn(P) : It moves one square orthogonally forward but cannot capture with this move. It captures a piece diagonally forward one square to the left or right.



1. Pawns on the 4th rank can move 2 squares orthogonally forward when they first move.

2. There is en passant.

3. But there is no castling.

4. A Pawn that has reached 9th, 10th, or 11th rank can be promoted.

- The Pawn can only be promoted to a friendly piece that has been captured.

- A Pawn that refused to be promoted must reach the next rank in order to be promoted again.

5. A Pawn that has reached last(12th) rank must be promoted.

- If there is no friendly piece that has been captured, the Pawn on the 11th rank cannot reach the last rank.

- But the Pawn on the 11th rank can still give a check.

6. Other rules are same as Orthodox chess.

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By Daphne Snowmoon.

Last revised by Daphne Snowmoon.

Web page created: 2020-05-19. Web page last updated: 2024-01-10

Revisions of MScitadelir-chess