So, to be clear, a pawn arriving on rank 2 or 8 has a choice of promotion?
At least, that's how I'd read it were it not for the fact that the Interactive Diagram behaves quite differently from the written description: it unconditionally tranforms pawns arriving on those ranks to the piece starting on that space — even to amazonrider on the e file desptie the text specifying no recharging on that file. So either the Diagram is in error or I've gravely misunderstood the text
So, to be clear, a pawn arriving on rank 2 or 8 has a choice of promotion?
At least, that's how I'd read it were it not for the fact that the Interactive Diagram behaves quite differently from the written description: it unconditionally tranforms pawns arriving on those ranks to the piece starting on that space — even to amazonrider on the
file desptie the text specifying no recharging on that file. So either the Diagram is in error or I've gravely misunderstood the text