The Square-Removal Tag
Squares (or other cell) can be removed. Sometimes this is done directly by players, or as an effect of other moves, or automatically by the game.
Tagged Pages
Apothecary Chess-Classic. Large board variant obtained through tinkering with known games. (1)
Apothecary Chess-Modern. Large board variant obtained through tinkering with known games. (1)
Atlantis Chess. Instead of moving, a player may remove an square from the edges of the board. (8x8, Cells: 64) (1)
Brouhaha. Like Chess, but it really brings the ruckus! (8x8, Cells: 72) (1)
Cheshire Cat Chess. Squares are disappearing. (8x8, Cells: 64) (1)
Crushed Chess. After every 10 turns, the perimeter disappears. (1)
Grand Apothecary Chess-Alert. Very large Board variant obtained trough tinkering with known games. (1)
Grand Apothecary Chess-Classic. Very large Board variant obtained trough tinkering with known games. (1)
Grand Apothecary Chess-Modern. Very large Board variant obtained trough tinkering with known games. (1)
Joust. Missing description (1)
The Knightliest Black Hole. Knighted pieces on a constantly diminishing board. (1)
Nuclear Chess. When pieces take, the square becomes impassable and all surrounding pieces disappear. (8x8, Cells: 64) (1)
Null chess. Capture squares are destroyed when vacated. (1)
Shakti. On a 7 by 7 board with disappearing squares. (7x7, Cells: 49) (1)
Square Attrition Chess. Squares can be visited a limited number of times. (1)
Voidrider Chess. A 43 square variant with movable spaces. (7x9, Cells: 43) (1)
Wormhole Chess. When a piece leaves a square, it `folds' together. (8x8, Cells: 64) (1)