One Ring Chess
One Ring Chess is played upon a field of 32 linearly adjacent squares formed into a ring. The game is won by checkmating the opponent King.Setup


The KNIGHT may step in either direction to an adjacent square or leap in either direction over two to the third square.
The BISHOP may leap over one in either direction to the second square. It may continue this type of move as long as the touched squares are vacant.
The ROOK may slide in either direction through vacant squares, stopping on either an empty or enemy-occupied square.
The QUEEN can move as either the Bishop or Rook.
The KING may step in either direction to an adjacent square or leap over one to the second.
Rules are the same as FIDE chess, except for the movement of the pieces and board, as specified above.Computer Play
If you have Zillions of Games installed on your computer, you can play this game. Download file:
Written by L. L. Smith.
WWW page created: March 11, 2002.