The ROOOK moves exactly the same as the Rook in Chess. It moves in a straight line horizontally or vertically across any number of empty spaces, stopping either on an empty space or the first space it comes to that is occupied by one of the opponent's pieces. It may not pass over occupied spaces.
The Mao is a Knight restricted to making its move in 2 steps, the 1st orthogonal {0,1} the 2nd diagonal {1,1}.
The Minister moves 2 spaces in the same diagonal direction. Like the Mao, it may not leap over occupied spaces. So if the 1st step of its move is over an occupied space, it is blocked and may not make that move. Upon crossing the river, it gains the additional ability to travel 1 space horizontally.
The Advisor travels 1 space diagonally, captures like a Wide Knight. It may never cross the river.
The General moves 1 space orthogonally. The Generals can capture the opposing General that's a Rook move away. Can't cross the river except to capture the opposing General. You lose if your General is captured.
The Cannon travels as Rook, captures by hops along Rook lines over a piece, from any distance before to any distance beyond.
Soldier/Chinese Pawn
The Soldier moves 1 space vertically forward. Upon crossing the river, it gains the additional ability to move 1 space horizontally.
Since d1 & e8 are empty, here are some variants that fill those empty squares:
Add white Spider on d1 & black Spider on e8 which moves like King and also to all squares of the "ring" on which it stands (there are 3 “rings” on the chess board a1-h1-h8-a8, b2-g2-g7-b7, and c3-f3-f6-c6). Example: Sb2 controls the neighboring fields a1,b1,c1,a2,c2,a3,b3,c3 as well as all fields of the ring b2-b7-g7-g2-d2. The Spider is a rider and can therefore also be obstructed on the ring.
Queen Perquisites XiangQi
Add white Querquisite on d1, black Querquisite on e8.
White Querquisite moves
-as a Rook on files a and h
-as a Knight on files b and g
-as a Bishop on files c and f
-as a Queen on file d
-as a Non-royal King on file e
Black Querquisite moves
-as a Rook on files a and h
-as a Knight on files b and g
-as a Bishop on files c and f
-as a Queen on file e
-as a Non-royal King on file d
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