Ajax-Capablanca Chess

Ajax-Capablanca Chess is simply a game with Ajax-Chessmen on a Capablanca 10x8 board.
There are two setups: One with Ajax-Ministers à la Ajax Chess (but without reverse symmetry, above left); and a second with Capablanca's 10x8 setup (above right) but with Ajax-Archbishops and Ajax-Chancellors along the Ajax minor pieces (Rook, Bishop and Knight).Pieces
Ajax pieces hace the peculiarity of having one-square non-capturing 'adopted' moves that allow them to complete all the moves of a Courier Man or Commoner.Ajax-Archbishops can move like Bishops+Knight, and can also move one non-capturing step orthogonally.
Ajax-Chancellors can move like Rooks+Knight, and can also move one non-capturing step diagonally.
Rooks, Bishops Knights are as in Ajax Chess.
King and Queen move as in Orthodox Chess.
Pawns are allowed a 2-square initial moves.
Pawns are allowed to promote to Queen, Rook, Bishop Knight and Ajax-Ministers (in the first setup), or Ajax-ArchBishops and Ajax Chancellors in the 2nd setup.
The goal of the game is to checkmate the opponent's King, as in Orthodox Chess.Rules for check, checkmate, stalemate, en passant, 50-move draw and Threefold Repetition Draw are like in Orthodox Chess.
Castling is three squares to either side of the board.This table shows where the King and Rook end up and the notation for each type of castling.
White castles a-side | c-castling | O-O-O | Kc1, Rd1 |
White castles j-side | i-castling | O-O | Ki1, Rh1 |
Black castles a-side | c-castling | O-O-O | Kc8, Rd8 |
Black castles j-side | i-castling | O-O | Ki8, Rh8 |
Castling may only occur under the following conditions:
- Unmoved: The King and the castling Rook must not have moved before in the game, including a previous castling.
- Un-attacked: All of the squares between the king's initial and final squares (including the initial and final squares) must not be under attack by any opposing piece.
- Vacant: All the squares between the king's initial and final squares (including the final square), and all of the squares between the rook's initial and final squares (including the final square), must be vacant except for the king and castling rook.
- Castling cannot capture any pieces.
- The king and castling rook cannot "jump" over any pieces other than each other.
- A player may castle at most once in a game.
- If a player moves his king or both of his initial rooks without castling, he may not castle during the rest of the game.
- The king may not be in check before or after castling.
- The king cannot move through check.
Game Courier Presets

Ajax Chess Setup (with Ajax-Ministers and direct symmetry)
Capablanca Chess Setup (with Ajax-Archbishops and Ajax-Chancellors)
Game Courier Logs
Game Courier Logs for Games of Ajax ChessTo see actual games that have been played on-line, follow the link above.
Ajax-Capablanca Chess (ACC) was created by José Manuel Carrillo-Muñiz, from Puerto Rico in 2009.
Chess Variants by the Author:
- Modern Random Chess (9x9)
- Contemporary Random Chess (8x8)
- Prime Ministers Chess (9x8)
- Modern Capablanca Random Chess (10x8)
- Modern English Random Chess (10x10)
- Pseudo-Modern Random Chess (9x9)
- Chess8400 (9x9)
- Prime Ministers Contemporary Random Chess (8x8)
- Prime Ministers Random Chess (9x8)
- International Contemporary Random Chess (10x10)
- International Fischer Random Chess (10x10)
- Courier Chess Moderno (12x8)
- Mini Courier Chess Moderno (10x8)
- Silver Elephant Chess (10x8)
- Modern Ministers Courier Chess (11x8)
- Ajax Chess (10x10)
- Ajax-Capablanca Chess (10x8)
- Ajax Random Chess (8x8)
- Partnership Chaturanga (8x8)
- Korean Random Chess (9x10)
Other Pages by the Author:
- How to Generate Random Positions
- The Bishop Adjustment Rule
- The Modern Principles
- Reverse Symmetry
- The Prime Minister
- The Courier Elephant
- The 10x8 Variants
- Modern Chess Preset
- Makruk (Thai Chess) Preset
This 'user submitted' page is a collaboration between the posting user and the Chess Variant Pages. Registered contributors to the Chess Variant Pages have the ability to post their own works, subject to review and editing by the Chess Variant Pages Editorial Staff.
By Jose Carrillo.
Web page created: 2009-07-28. Web page last updated: 2009-07-28