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Gustavian Camelrider Chess (with Scorpions)

This page contains one or more presets for playing a game online with Game Courier, an online server for playing Chess variants by correspondence.

The objective is checkmate. On the b and g-files are initially positioned two Camelriders per side (the knights are positioned on the four extra corner squares). The Camelrider moves like a Camel (that is, 1 + 3, like an extended knight) but may continue any number of leaps in the same direction (on this board, a maximum of two leaps), provided that the intermediate square is empty. Otherwise regular rules apply, except for the additional possibility of pawn promotion to Camelrider. On this board the Camelrider has the value of a knight or bishop.

Beware of the Camelrider's capability of long-range threats, especially to the king. Such threats are difficult to ward off since one cannot go between with a piece, except on the intermediate square. Camelriders can, like bishops, only visit one square colour. Gustavian Camelrider Chess, with Scorpions, was invented and implemented by undersigned, July 2006. I don't know who invented the Camelrider, but the Camel is known since medieval times.

"Gustavian" refers to the board type, which was invented by Gustav III of Sweden, for his Gustav III's Chess. This board proved suitable for the Camelrider while it can not jump more than two steps. Hence the piece value is the same as a light piece. It makes the game easier to comprehend, despite the introduction of this curious piece.

This image illustrates the Camelrider's
continuous jumps in the forward
directions, only.

In this variant Scorpions take the place of the pawns. The Scorpion has the additional moves of a Knight, but only in two forward directions: east-north-east, and west-north-west. There are no additional capture moves.The Scorpion's value is half the value of a Knight, Bishop, or Camelrider, that is, 1.5. This means that a light piece can be exchanged for two Scorpions, a possibility which often occurs. In the endgame it could become very dangerous, and its value often increases.)

The two oblique moves in the image are the
Scorpions two extra movement possibilities.
It can only capture like a regular pawn.

The following preset makes a good validity check of Camelrider and Scorpion moves, etc. Moves are automated, including castling and the 'en passant' move. Pieces can be moved by pointing and clicking. When promoting a Scorpion, it will automatically turn into a Queen. Should you prefer another piece then you must type it manually (e.g., add N a8; capture a7). (If you wish to promote to a Camelrider you must use the internal syntax JJ.) Use small piece-letters for black. E-mails to your opponent are generated, but you can play online by intermittently pressing the browser's update button.

Gustavian Camelrider Chess (with Scorpions)

See also: Gustavian Camelrider Chess

You can download a Zillions implementation here.

See also my other Game Courier presets.

This 'user submitted' page is a collaboration between the posting user and the Chess Variant Pages. Registered contributors to the Chess Variant Pages have the ability to post their own works, subject to review and editing by the Chess Variant Pages Editorial Staff.

By M Winther.
Web page created: 2006-07-16. Web page last updated: 2006-07-16