Grand Combination Courier
This page contains one or more presets for playing a game online with Game Courier, an online server for playing Chess variants by correspondence.
Logs of Grand Combination Courier
Object of game is to checkmate the King. The King can not castle but can make one King's leap, if it hasn't moved, in the promotion zone of the last three ranks.
Last three ranks of the board is promotion zone.
If the guard promotes to a King, one King must be captured and the remaining one checkmated. Promoted King doesn't have a King Leap.
Pawns in center four areas have no initial double step but peripheral pawns do and normal en passant rules apply to them.
Promoted form of

Promoted form of the Guard is the
King: K
Promoted form of the Ferz is the
Ferz Rider or Bishop: B
Promoted form of the Wazir is the
Wazir Rider or Rook: R
Promoted form of the Rook is the
Rook Ferz: .RF
Promoted form of the Knight is the
Knight-Ferz: .NF or the
Knight-Wazir: .NW
Promoted form of the Camel is the
Camel-Ferz: .JF or the
Camel Wazir: .JW
Promoted form of theBishop Wazir and the
Rook Ferz is the
Queen: Q
Promoted form of the Knight Ferz is the
Cardinal: A
Promoted form of the Camel-Ferz is the
Caliph or Camel Bishop: .BJ
Promoted form of the Knight-Wazir is the
Marshall: M
Promoted form of the Camel Wazir is the
Canvasser or Camel Rook: .RJ
This game was inspired by Charles Gilman's Courier de los Combinados and, to a lesser extent, Chu Shogi.
This 'user submitted' page is a collaboration between the posting user and the Chess Variant Pages. Registered contributors to the Chess Variant Pages have the ability to post their own works, subject to review and editing by the Chess Variant Pages Editorial Staff.
By Jeremy Gabriel Good.
Web page created: 2007-03-11. Web page last updated: 2007-03-11