External Link
This is a link to an external site for: Shogi : Japan's Game of StrategyShogi : Japan's Game of Strategy: http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0804819033/thechessvariantp
This is my first review of a book at Amazon, but I was moved to write because this book does not deserve the three star rating given by the only other reviewer. While it is true that (until recently) this was the only book in English about Shogi, it is in my opinion a much better introduction than most beginning books on chess. Trevor starts with the rules of chess, and quickly converts that knowledge into how the pieces move in Shogi, adding info where needed. Then he offers an (admittedly brief) introduction to two different opening styles (like King's pawn vs Queen's pawn openings if you will). He uses the game with mistakes as an illustration because, as a beginner, one learns more from mistakes than from flawless master-level play. I have lived in Japan now for four years and have had ample opportunity to see such high-level play -- it baffles me. Still, with this book, I have turned my chess skills into a moderate level Shogi game. I've even won a few games against some friends. In the end, this book hooked me on Shogi. It is a great game, and this book does much to take you from beginner to moderate player (I recommend a computer game to help you learn too).
Author: Trevor Leggett.
Web page created: 2000-09-01. Web page last updated: 2006-03-20
See Also
Shogi: Cut-Out Symbolic Shogi Pieces. Make your own Shogi set. Author: Fergus Duniho.
Japanese Chess. The Japanese form of Chess, in which players get to keep and replay captured pieces. (9x9, Cells: 81) (Recognized!) Author: Hans L. Bodlaender and Fergus Duniho.
Shogi for Chess Players. Introduction to Shogi geared for western chess players. Author: Douglas Crockford.
Shogi: Japanese Schaak. Japans schaak (Dutch Language) Author: Hans L. Bodlaender and John William Brown.
將棋(日本). 日本的將棋類遊戲 (Chinese Language) Author: Ri S. Huang.
Diagrammatic Shogi Pieces. Icons of shogi pieces in diagram style. Author: Fergus Duniho.
EurasiaChess Shogi Graphics. Graphics of shogi pieces mixing European chess symbols & Japanese Kanji. By Emmanuel Baud.
Motif Shogi Pieces. Motif style Shogi pieces made from photos of wood. Author: Fergus Duniho.
Shogi Pieces. Graphics of shogi pieces and symbols. Author: David Howe.
Western Shogi Pieces. Icons of shogi pieces in western style. Author: Fergus Duniho.
Shogi. Play the Japanese form of Chess with Jocly. Author: H. G. Muller.
Shogi Deutschland e. V.. Missing description
The Shogi Foundation. Organization selling books on Shogi and a portable shogi set.
Shogi. Play the Japanese form of Chess, in which captured pieces can be dropped back as your own. (Recognized!) Author: Fergus Duniho.
Shogi with Impassable Kings. A modest fix to Shogi that makes impasses impossible. By Fergus Duniho.
Homemade Symbolic Shogi Pieces. Photos of pieces made from computer printed stickers on foam board. By Fergus Duniho.
Shogi Photo. Photo of crafted Shogi set. Author: Victor Vermette.
Shogi set. Photo's of shogi (Japanese chess) set. Author: Jean-Luc Muraro.
Shogi set. Photographs of a Shogi set. Author: Hans L. Bodlaender.
BCMShogi. A versatile and customizable Shogi program. Author: Fergus Duniho. Inventor: Bernard C. Maerz.
Shocky. A program that plays Shogi. Author: Pauli Misikangas.
How to Play Shogi. A book on Japanese chess, Shogi.
Rules for historic Shogi variants. Missing description Author: George F. Hodges.
Questions and answers: Shogi. Shogi FAQ. Author: Hans L. Bodlaender.
Kasparov's Premiere at Shogi. Chess world champion plays a game of Shogi.
The Art of Shogi. Information on book on Shogi. Author: Tony Hosking.
Shogi for Beginners. Missing description
81Dojo. The International Shogi Server. Author: Fergus Duniho.
Elephant Chess Club. Webshop selling internationalized Xiangqi and Shogi sets.
Shogi Variants Site. Wikipedia dedicated to Shogi Variants. Author: Joseph Peterson.
. Westernized version using Alfaerie graphics. Author: David Howe and Fergus Duniho.
Shogi, Mortal Shogi, and Kamikaze Mortal Shogi
. Optimized ZRFs for Japanese Chess and some recent variants. Author: Fergus Duniho.
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