External Link: Accessory Chess
In Accessory Chess the rules are the same as in orthodox chess, except that one (or two) extra piece per player is placed in the reserve. Standard chess is included as an option, thereby maintaining the historical connection. In a tournament, by way of the initial voting procedure, players can decide to play a traditional game.If players have elected to include external pieces, they may either move a piece or pawn, or drop the extra piece from the reserve. Pieces may only be dropped on a friendly pawn on the second rank. The removed friendly pawn must immediately be relocated one square ahead of the dropped piece. This position must be empty. If not, the piece cannot be dropped on the friendly pawn.

A Zillions

External Link: http://mlwi.magix.net/bg/accessorychess.htm
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By M Winther.
Web page created: 2008-08-07. Web page last updated: 2008-08-07