External Link
This is a link to an external site for: Interactive 3D Chess ProgramInteractive 3D Chess Program: http://thehinge.net/3dchess
From the author:
PHILOSOPHY : Games evolve. It is in their nature to change. As physical games become digitalized their ability to evolve is constricted by the hard coding of the 'correct move'.
This is why I have built 3D Chess with the ability to make "incorrect" moves. In this way I view it not as a 3D Chess Game but a 3D Chess Board.
I hope that this board can be an tool for many variations of 3D Chess.
By Dan Beyer.
Web page created: 2006-05-23. Web page last updated: 2006-05-23
See Also
3D Chess. A true 3D version of chess. By Dan Beyer.
Diagonal 3D Chess. Missing description (8x(8x8), Cells: 512) By Dan Beyer.
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