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Zillions of Games Saved Game file for:
Star Pool Chess

Download instructions

This is a Zillions of Games Saved Game file. You need to have the Zillions of Games program installed on your system to be able to use it. You will also need the particular Zillions of Games rules file installed on your system. For more information on Zillions of Games, go to their site at Zillions of Games.

Instructions on downloading this Zillions Saved Game file:

Star Pool Chess is a Zillions Saved Game file. It is categorized as: Large board.


Quintanilla (White) v. Aronson (Blue). This was a play testing game. Blue pressed the attack on White's left flank. White's made a few tactical errors. Black cornered Blue's King with a substantial material advantage, to win. The sample game shows some of the positional play possible. An early capture by White across the star pool (turn 8) shows the use of this center non-square.


Other Information

The board used for this game has 84 cells/squares.

Invented in the year 2002. [2001-2003]. [1997-2007].

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