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This page is written by the game's inventor, Lev Grigoriev. This game is a favorite of its inventor.

Flipping Xiangqi

It’s suddenly created game which mixes up two different forms of Chess. Rule of flipping pieces each time is borrowed from wild Kyoto Shogi; we’ll see how it is to Xiangqi – game with no drops and more authentic pieces.

I’ve decided not to give it an unique Chinese/Japanese name.


7x7 minixiangqi board. Notation is as in Chess, algebraic: vertical rows are named from left to right, ranks are numbered from bottom to up. Two 3x3 areas of the board (first is around d2 square, other around d6) are respectively White’s and Black’s palaces & are important for Kings.

Red: K d1, P c2-e2, A c1, e1, E b1, f1. Black has mirrored setup (same but 1 is 7 and 2 turns into 6). Red moves first.


There are three pairs of pieces. When one moves, it flips and becomes its other form. When this form moves, it flips back to first one, and so on. Like different phases of state and tiredness of combatants.

As you know from setup, there are generally four types of pieces. They and each their form are notated by initial letter (except for some cases).

Peasant (P)

This is pair of foot soldier and equerry. It starts moving as Soldier (one space directly forward or sideways), but after move becomes Horse (like usual Knight, but said as Y-shape, if first straight space is occupied, two destinations are not available). 

Really like peasant who sometimes catches a steed and rides him.

Artillerist (A)

This piece switches between motion as Advisor (notated as F(!), it steps diagonally one square; overrides Xiangqi's restriction to palace) and Cannon (moves without taking as Rook, along endless empty straight lines, but to capture it must hop over 1 piece to take the second if it’s possible).

Really like artillerist who not always can shoot and often fights closely.

Transport (T)

This one alternates the absolutely weak move of Elephant (exactly two diagonally, and pass-through first square diagonally must be empty) and explicitly strong that of Chariot (notated as R, like chess Rook, goes along unobstructed straight paths). 

Really like owner of elephant with heavy artillery's tower on its back.

King/General (K)

Always as in Xiangqi, one step straight. It cannot move into check (threat to capture) or leave its palace. Also there’s a face-off rule: two Kings can’t be on one file (vertical row) without pieces in-between.


Besides mentioned above, they’re exactly as in Xiangqi. To win, you must checkmate (put into attack opponent can’t evade) or stalemate (put into absence of legal moves) the opposite King. Only way to draw is just Kings left on the board.


Values of pieces are P = 3 (S <≈ 2,5 – H ≈> 3,5), A = 3,5 (F ≈ 2 – C ≈ 5), T = 4 (E ≈> 1,5 – R <≈ 6,5).

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By Lev Grigoriev.

Last revised by Lev Grigoriev.

Web page created: 2023-12-11. Web page last updated: 2023-12-11

Revisions of MSflippingxiangqi