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very good
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it took me at least 15 mininutes to complete download of this website. So far, not finish yet. Thanks
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I thought pawns are not allowed to make a double-step on their first move. isn't it?
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![Unverified Commentor](/index/unverified.gif)
Great! The tandem chess rules were just the thing I was looking for :D
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the most common time control for bughouse seems to be 3 0 on ICS's, and there, players may say anything to their partners, including flagging, time advantages, etc. Furthermore, players sit as long as they are up on time, and this makes sitting a part of the game. and players will sit until their time runs out if mated. First checkmate wins, regardless of the other board.
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I have known of Ultima for more than 30 yrs & I apppreciate yr authoritative treatment. I was introduced to it at the Providence Chess Club where it was played occasionally while waiting for a chess opponent. I have reservations about Abbott's corrective of the 'N' move limit, but I hv hd no chance to try it out. Thank u for asembling the info & presenting it so attractively. >pouliot[at]mailcity.com<
![Unverified Commentor](/index/unverified.gif)
Ultima is very interesting, I play it with Zillions (not strong). However, I tried to find game annotations and I could not find any. It would be nice if you could give some games and some open sources. I wonder if there exists opening and endgame theory. Gert Greeuw grw@geodelft.nl
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I am attempting to locate one variant from the Sung Dynasty China (0960), Which has an extended king row, forward of which are two rows of pawns, forward are two major power pieces [ either named lance or archer] , forward of the archer is yet another row of pawns. Any info you might have on this game would be greatly appreciated. Thank You
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<i>NOTE: the email address and phone number listed on the site appear to be non-responsive. It appears as if this company may be out of business. Anyone knowing any more information, please contact us.</i>
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In the Chess Cards variant, it seems that it is indeed possible to
achieve the maximum score of 990 points. Suppose that player A is dealt
bQ rQ rR rB yQ yR yB wB wN wP and player B is dealt bR bB bN bP rN rP yN
yP wQ wR. First A plays two red cards, and B must counter with two red
cards; then A plays two yellow cards and B must counter with two yellow
cards; then if A plays the black Queen, having sacrificed the other five
cards, B will be able to play five of his other cards but will be mated
on the tenth move. B can never gain the initiative, so with best play
by A the maximum mate score will necessarily ensue
... unless B sacrifices a card. Then again, any time that A plays his
last card on move 5 and B is facing certain defeat, he can certainly
sacrifice some cards so that the maximum score cannot be achieved.
Still, my game above seems to come as close as possible to this result.
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'rarely seen as much chatter' -- it's a combination of two things, I think; first the story is pretty good. You must understand that after I wrote it, I also read it, and even I was affected by it. The idea of the ancient Lovecraftian city that existed before the world was finished being built kinda grabs me. And the details that make it real (by the way, the reason that Nemoroth was destroyed when Luna was floated up into the sky after being built in its harbor was that the project was given to the lowest bidder) -- well,when I wrote it, in the heat of the moment I thought it was merely corroborative detail intended to add artistic verisimilitude to an otherwise bald and unconvincing narrative, but when I read it, it sounded so suspension-of-disbeliefable and I could picture the city and the harbor and the Moon and the little boats carrying pieces of craters to the work site, and golly gee gosh how amazing. The second thing is that the game itself is pretty interesting. Although I was so caught up in the story that I really did a bad job of describing the game, it's non-trivial and it's very different (in terms of how it feels to play it) than most chesslike or ultimalike games. This *will* cause chatter, even in the most silent of times. Since The Game of Nemoroth came out shortly after I had said strongly that there wasn't enough chatter, well, what would you expect. :-) 'values of Nemoroth pieces' -- quite impossible. Likewise Nemoroth with Different Armies. The various non-capture effects have values that are imho impossible to estimate numerically. The useful Go Away has a value that depends entirely on what it can push, just for one example. In practice, I think the Zombie is most valuable, and the second tier contains the Go Away, the Basilisk, and the Leaf Pile. The Leaf Pile is so easy to use; an advanced Basilisk, even if it gets petrified (but you gotta calculate if the foe can push a Leaf Pile onto it!) can be crippling, and the Go Away transforms positions completely. But even the humble Human is strong. Leaving one's Basilisk at home invites the Humand to advance and petrify themselves in blocking positions. The Ghast is so powerful that it is outside the range of values. However, I have not yet played a game against myself where I captured a Ghast, so in effect the Ghast is always neutralized by the enemy Ghast. Pushing a statue to d4 or d5 neutralizes the enemy Ghast and allows you to reposition from b6 to f6; this happened once and was very strong. All in all, I like the way the game works.
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Thank you for finding my error. I'm wrong, so I take back my nyaah nyaaah. But you're also wrong. When you're really stuck with probabilities, you can use the laborious case-by-case analysis. With a zFF going from e1 to e5, if e3 is occupied it can't get there and f4/d4 deserves no two-path bonus. If e3 empty and both f2/d2 occupied, no twopath. If e3 empty and one of f2/d2 occupied, no two-path. If e3 empty and both f2/d2 empty, I was in error, twopath applies. I haven't worked out the correct number, but it's higher than mine, lower than yours, closer to mine than yours. You applied twopath in too many of these cases. I'm not sure to write this in a more general manner. (for example, zFF going from e1 to e9 on a larger board). I haven't worked out the number the laborious way, pending your agreement to this. You found an error, I think, but I think you were also wrong. I know you'll reply!
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'But crazyhouse is better' -- interesting comment. What you call Crazyhouse is, I think, the 'Double Bughouse chess' to which the mimeographed magazine 'New England Double Bughouse Chess' was devoted in the 1970s. (That's how people communicated then. Inconvenient, slow, and expensive compared to the internet, but would you believe it people communicated with each other even before there was an internet! What a mindblowing idea, no?) Funny thing is, your comment makes me think that the last time I played that game you hadn't been born yet. Stalling was a bad consequence of the rules as they were then; have they fixed this? If you say it's better, you should say why you think it's better. By providing reasons, you might get people to respond with counter arguments, and once in a while they would convince you you were wrong and once in a while you would convince them and most of the time you'd have fun arguing but you wouldn't get anywhere. Welcome to the internet. Does the game you call crazyhouse require 4 players? Did you know that in the 1970s I described how you could play it with 2 teams of 100 players?
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'Why is it that when I encounter an Ultima variant, it inevitably seems more complex than Ultima, not less?' What defines an Ultima variant? Is it possible that no game simpler than Ultima fits your definition of 'an Ultima variant'? At some unspecified time (1970s most likely) I collaborated with John Ishkanian on an Ultima variant named 'Ultimate Ultima'; I still have a copy and have seen it within the last few weeks but it would take me years to find it again (Phil Cohen probably still has a copy and can find it quickly). The premise was based on my idea that the duration of a game depends on the ratio of power to space; and we tried to create a playable game with so much power to space that games would rarely last longer than 4 moves -- this would be a great game for playing at lightspeed radio against an opponent in another star system! Four pages of dense and terse single-spaced typewriter text with characters out to the narrowest margins. Rules not all that complex, but interactions beyond belief. The Carrier (is this the right name?) could move like Q, but at each single step could pick up or drop pieces; and if you drop a Mixer it can rearrange all adjacent pieces (all of this happening within the context of the single=move multi-square move of the Carrier) and by rearranging a Transporter it could cause pieces to teleport to other squares, and if you teleported a Converter it could make enemy pieces yours and so on.) We spent probably 3 months hashing out the rules and then played 2 games, which lasted maybe 5 plies between them (I won both). That's my idea of complex. Compared to that, the Game of Nemoroth is so simple!
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Now that this comments page is up, I'd like to ask the regular readers of www.chessvariants.com to comment on Doublechess. Doublechess is the first chess variant which I invented, and I think it is my best one of all the ones I have created. It is my pride and joy. At the time I submitted it to this site I had learned that I was just a few months too late to enter it into the Large Variants contest that was being held at the time. What a pity! I feel that Doublechess would have been a very strong contender, but by the time I first learned of this site's existence, the deadline for submissions for the contest had passed. Doublechess' page on this site is unique in many ways. You won't find too many other games on this site which have sample games linked to it, and one of the games is annotated in detail. (The link to my 'Doublechess web site' is no longer valid.) Doublechess can be played by email on Richard's Play By Email server, and I frequently conduct Doublechess tournaments on PBM. The next one may be beginning in a few months and I will post an announcement about it here (as I did recently for the forthcoming Omegachess tournament which I will be running on PBM as well) when I am ready to begin it. Doublechess is a very simple variant. Simply lay two 8 by 8 chess boards side by side. Use two chess sets, and replace the second set of kings with a third set of queens. (if one does not have a third set of chess queen pieces handy, substitutes can be used until they are captured. Coins work well, for instance, a penny for a white queen and a nickel for a black queen.) Set up the first army of pieces in the traditional setup (RBNQKBRN) in files E to L and the second army out in the wings (RBNQ, QBNR) in files A to D and M to P. You will notice a few interesting strategic points about Doublechess. Opposing bishops start along the same diagonals as each other, often promting them to be quickly traded off if the opportunity presents itself. If they avoid an early exchange, bishops of like color can double themselves along the same diagonal to form a battery in much the same way that one might double their rooks along the same file in chess. Notice that whereas white begins with two dark squared bishops on the left side of the board, or queenside (in Doublechess terminology, the 'queenside' refers to files A to H, and 'kingside' refers to files I to P, mimicking the same sides of the boards which these terms refer to in regular chess), and black has two light squared bishops on the queenside. Likewise, white has two light squared bishops to start the game on the kingside, and black has two dark squared bishops on each side. Each side can try to exploit the other's weaknesses on light or dark squares on each half of the board. The way the board is set up, as players begin to develop their pieces and pawns, the pieces tend to engage each other on each half of the board in about the same amount of time as they do in regular chess. In the middle game it is often the case where pieces will be interacting with each other and threatening each other on each half of the board completely independent from what is going on on the other side of the board. In some ways then, Doublechess is like playing two games in one, though one really needs to look at the board as a whole to truly understand and appreciate the game. There are other strategic differences between Doublechess and regular chess which make my variant exciting and unique. It is more common to sacrifice material for attack in Doublechess than it is in regular chess, since one has so much material at one's disposal to attack with. In Doublechess then, obviously king safety becomes extremely important. Thus another axiom of dc is that it is quite possible to win despite a material disadvantage, more often than one can overcome such a deficit in regular chess. As long as one has enough pieces to launch an attack, they can make things interesting. I should also point out that the one rule that is unique and distinctive to Doublechess is the castling rule (see dc's page for full explanation of the castling rule), and the pros and cons of long castling vs. short castling can be long debated. It's another twist to the game which makes it interesting. One advantage that my variant has over other CVs is that it only uses orthodox pieces, so it is very easy to learn how to play. Perhaps more than any other CV, Doublechess has the 'feel' of regular chess. There is a ZRF file available for download at the bottom of Doublechess' page. I urge everyone who has not played it yet who owns ZILLIONS OF GAMES to download Doublechess and try it out. I welcome comments from everyone, pro or con, as to how they would rate Doublechess as a chess variant. What are this variants' strengths and weaknesses? Finally I would say that, although I realize I am very biased in the matter ;-) I feel that Doublechess is such an excellent variant that it deserves consideration as one of this site's 'Recognized Chess Variants' and as inventor of this game I am necessarily disqualified from nominating it to that position. Might someone else who has an equal appreciation for this game take up the gauntlet and nominate it along with an eloquent essay on my game's merits?
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Have I overlooked something in the first version of the problem? 1. Ke3 d5 2. zBe2 gives mate in 2 moves. The second version looks fine (but does not exhibit the ability of the zB to pin two pieces at the same time). --J'org Knappen
![Unverified Commentor](/index/unverified.gif)
Thanks for cooking my problem. I never claimed to be a good composer. Now, if you'll pardon me, I'll go sit in a corner and cry.
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It would seem that I am not the first person to create a CV on an 11 by 11 board. (see my SPINAL TAP CHESS) It would be interesting to play a game of TERROR CHESS (for WHITE) vs. SPINAL TAP CHESS (for BLACK) as a game of Chess Between Different Armies !!! PETER ARONSON I challenge you to create a ZRF for such a game IMMEDIATELY!! :-) I could then challenge Brian Wong to a game by email! (if anyone has his address!) (mine is DavidNYJfan@hotmail.com) though I suspect that TERROR CHESS has the more powerful army! Then again who can say for sure? TERROR CHESS vs. SPINAL TAP CHESS A game of Chess Between Different Armies created by David Short with thanks to Brian Wong. a b c d e f g h i j k +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ 11 |*R*|*S*|*W*|*V*|*Q*|*K*|*M*|*W*|*V*|*S*|*R*| 11 +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ 10 |*P*|*P*|*P*|*P*|*Cr|*Cr|*Cr|*P*|*P*|*P*|*P*| 10 +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ 9 | |:::| |:::| |:::| |:::| |:::| | 9 +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ 8 |:::| |:::| |:::| |:::| |:::| |:::| 8 +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ 7 | |:::| |:::| |:::| |:::| |:::| | 7 +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ 6 |:::| |:::| |:::| |:::| |:::| |:::| 6 +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ 5 | |:::| |:::| |:::| |:::| |:::| | 5 +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ 4 |:::| |:::| |:::| |:::| |:::| |:::| 4 +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ 3 | |:::| |:::| |:::| |:::| |:::| | 3 +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ 2 |:P:| P |:P:| P |:P:| P |:P:| P |:P:| P |:P:| 2 +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ 1 | R |:B:| N |:C:| A |:K:| Q |:Mr| B |:N:| R | 1 +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ a b c d e f g h i j k Diagram index: R- ROOK B- BISHOP N- KNIGHT C- CARDINAL A- AMAZON K- KING Q- QUEEN Mr- MARSHALL P- PAWN Cr- CRAB S- SQUIRE V- VICEROY W- WIZARD M- MINISTER Pawns move 1, 2, or 3 squares on their initial move and the en passant rule is the same as it is in OMEGACHESS. Each side may castle as its game's rules dictate.
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I still think I'm right, but I'm not as sure anymore... I think I'm not fully applying the two-path for the f4/d4 - getting the full two path bonus twice would be 0.91 * 0.7 * 0.91 = 0.57967, just getting it once is 0.91 * 0.7 * 0.7 = 0.4459, and my method is in my first comment as 0.51793. So it is between the values of one and two two-path bonuses. Mostly I think it is right because the verbal description seems to be right, and you agreed with my math on turning that description into a formula. I think that formula is properly figuring out how much of a two-path bonus to give. Does this seem reasonable to you?
I use a very simple rule for detrmining what's an
Ultima variant or not: if
the author calls it an Ultima variant, it is; if not, it isn't. So The Game of Nemoroth and my game
Interweave are not Ultima
variants since they don't call themselves that (although Interweave
describes itself has being sort of Ultima-like).
Examining this site and The Encyclopedia of Chess Variants, I find the following Ultima Variants:
- Bogart's Chess, which replaces a Chameleon and a Long Leaper with an Absorber (which picks up the capture method of each piece it captures) and a Golem, which only moves two but has to be captured twice (this was the inspiration for Golem Chess).
- Renaissance, which is played on a 9x9 board, and adds a Pusher, a Puller, a Resurrector, and a Bomb, and has a limited form of drops of captured pieces (using the Resurrector).
- Stupid, where each piece can move like an Ultima piece and an Orthochess piece.
- Ulti-Matem, except the Pawns have the moves of the Orthochess pieces they would be standing in front of, except for the King's Pawn which is a Double Knight Pawn which makes two Knight's moves in a row in any pattern.
- Ultimate Ultima which you described in this comment system here.
- Unorthodox Ultima, in which a Long Leaper and a Chameleon are replaced by a Neutalizer (which removes the ability to capture of adjacent pieces) and a Repeller which forces an opposing piece moved next to move as far away as possible.
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The knight is clearly stronger than the rook: in the center of a crowded board, it can control 16 squares,which is more than the rook on an empty board. The value of this knight should be close to that of the bishop, a bit less,I guess. The rook is therefore the only minor piece, and the most difficult to develop.Opening is hard stuff. I suppose it consists in opening files or diagonales to make quick and violent attacks by exchanging pawns, and making gambits (the pawn's relative value to other pieces is decreased compared to fide chess).
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