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to David: thank you for your good wishes. I am about to do the first tests of the second Smirf program beta release. It is able to play Chess, Chess960, Capablanca Random Chess, Janus Chess and a lot more 8x8 and 10x8 variants (but claiming FCR/CRC are SUPERSETS, not variants).
From Chessbase: Breaking news: Fischer comeback? 27.05.2005 Bobby Fischer is considering returning to the arena of competitive chess. Yesterday he met with his former adversary Boris Spassky, who travelled to Iceland with the expressed purpose of 'drawing Fischer back to the chessboard'. Fischer is agreeable to the notion, but insists on a worthy opponent and Fischer Random rules.
Well, don't buy a non-refundable airline ticket to Iceland for this event just yet. Fischer is notoriously eccentric and difficult to negotiate with. The weird thing is that I suspect all of the publicity surrounding his detention in Japan and fugitive status in US-America made this tentative event hold stronger interest to the public and hence, more feasible as a business venture.
Obviously, Fischer eccentricities, mental sickness and actual status can be used by others for monetary purposes. The problem is that this man is unpredictable enough, and investing some bills in this adventure is a real risk for the opportunists.
Fischer is eccentric for sure, and I have no doubt that he knows how to play his status to his advantage (monetary or otherwise.) What gives me hope is his requirement for 'fischer random' rules. To me, this suggests that his eccentricity is focused on the popularization of FRC and not on direct income. Given that this is his purpose (allegdly) the question is whether other top-level players will agree. His other requirement was world-class competition, and I truely wonder how many other grand-masters will be willing to play him at his own game (despite the fact that 'his game' is designed to level the playing field by removing opening book knowledge.)
FRC (Also called Chess 960, due the 960 possible starting positions) open Tournament in Mainz: The FiNet Open in Chess960 (11-12 August), in which the starting positions of the pieces will be known only a few minutes before the start of the game, is the only one of this sort worldwide on this level. The first 32 grandmasters of the starting list have an average ELO of over 2600!. It is also included the Chess960 (FRC) championship between Svidler and Almasi. To see...
Fischer vs. Topalov Fischer Random Chess http://www.novinite.com/view_news.php?id=53662 According to this news report, both are willing to play one another. Will negotiations over money and the details of the competition hold-up, though?
Yes, but was Fischer just being Fischer? The question has been asked before. By the way, Karpov says he will play Fischer, even if it is FRC, and there is an article out now showing Fischer meeting with Kasparov!!!! Can this be true? http://www.GothicChess.com/news.html is the link. Exciting stuff if it were so.
It is significant news for chess960 (a.k.a. Fischer Random Chess) when a major new chess book is published that is largely devoted to chess960. I therefore would like to encourage the editors to add mention of this new chess960 book to this web page. The book info is: Play Stronger Chess by Examining Chess960: Usable Strategies of Fischer Random Chess Discovered by Gene Milener ISBN 0-9774521-0-7 Page count 252 More information, including an extended excerpt, is available at http://CastleLong.com/. Available at Amazon.com and Amazon.co.uk, BarnesAndNoble.com, and elsewhere. This chess book is about both chess960 and chess1, because it compares and contrasts them. This teaches us things about both rule sets that are harder to see when studying either in isolation. Thank you.
Very good, I hope you can develop a chess game to download and promote de fischerandom, cheers from Argentina
Hi Gene, I mentioned your book near to mine at my SMIRF / ChessBox pages: http://www.chessbox.de/Compu/schachbuch.html . Unfortunately my German language book on Chess960 is sold only rarely about 10 pieces per quarter. So I hope for you to have better success with yours ... ;-) Your book is enlighting a lot of details also on 'fights' about right or wrong extended FEN and move representation for engines playing Chess960. Meanwhile the unnecessarily invented Fritz numbering scheme for Fischer Random Chess luckily has been withdrawn by an update of that program. Regards, Reinhard.
material values- all pieces Fischer Random Chess http://www.symmetryperfect.com/shots/values-chess.pdf
Kurnik Online Games (http://www.kurnik.org/) has recently added Fischer Random Chess for playing online against live opponents in real time.
There are online tournaments, game recording, archive of played games and other features available.
(To play this game on Kurnik first choose 'chess' from the homepage, then switch to 'chess 960'.)
This just in.
We have a [returning] Chess 960 World Champion:
Levon Aronian.
My suggestion for a way to randomize the starting positions (also works with all shuffles) and also record this position in a way that is self-explanatory for the nature of the positions. Please feel free to comment. Need 8 cards or tiles numbered 1-8. These cards or tiles represent columns on a chessboard. Numbers are used instead of letters, for notation purposes (see below). Numbers correspond to different columns. 1=A, 2=B, 3=C, 4=D, 5=E, 6=F, 7=G, 8=H . The space the pieces would go in are in the row they would normally set up in. In normal chess, white goes into row 1 and black in row 8. Will place pieces in following order: Bishops, King, Rooks, Queen, Knights. Pawns remain where they normally should be. Whenever a card has been picked, then that card is separated from remaining cards to be used to determine placement of pieces. To place Bishops: Separate cards into odd and even piles. Shuffle and deal out one from each. First place odd, then even numbers. Record these two numbers. Example: Card 5 and card 6 came up. Bishops are put in columns E (card 5) and F (card 6). Record first two digits as 56 To place King: Gather together all cards that were not selected. Separate 1 and 8 cards from these cards. If the 1 card was already selected, then separate out the 2 card. If the 8 card has already been selected, then separate out the 7 card. These cards will be added back in to select placement of Rooks and Queen. Shuffle together these remaining cards, and select 1. Record this number. Example: Card 3 came up. Rook is put in column C (card 3). Next digit is recorded as a 3. The current record of pieces placed is 563. To place Rooks: Look at position of King. Gather together all remaining cards in a lower position than position of King in one pile (following with example here, cards 1 and 2) and all remaining cards in a higher position than King (following the ongoing examples, this would be cards 4, 7, 8). Random select from first pile one card (or if there is only one card, then that is the position), and from second pile one card. Record these numbers (lower then higher), and place rooks in these columns. In this ongoing set of examples, let's say 2 and 8 were selected. The numbers two and 8 would be recorded with the other numbers, and Rooks placed in the B (card 2) column and H (card 8) column. The current record of pieces would be 56328 To place Queen: Take remaining cards together shuffle, and select one. Queen would go in that column. In this ongoing example, the remaining cards would be 1, 4, 7. For this example, say the 1 card was picked. Queen would be placed in the A column (card 1). The current record would be 563281. This is the final recorded position. To place the Knights: Place them in the two remaining empty positions. In the ongoing example here, the remaining cards would be 4 and 7. The Knights are placed in columns D (card 4) and column G (card 7). To sum up, the position generated by this is: 564281 (b56 k3 r28 q1). This is also the notation name for the position. Board set up would look like this: qrknbbnr pppppppp [Empty spaces between pieces] PPPPPPPP QRKNBBNR ------------------------------------- For a more random shuffle, in games without castling, the order of the pieces is done the same, but with less restrictions. For color balance of Bishops, the same idea of sorting the cards by odd or even would apply. Bishops would be then put on appropriate spaces. Say 1 and 8 were picked. The notation would be: 18 for Bishops. Then the King would placed. Say 2 was picked. Notation would be 182 Then the Rooks would be placed. Say 5, 7 were picked. Notation would be so far 18257 Then the Queen would be placed. Say position 3 was picked. Notation would be 182573 Knights would be placed in empty spaces. Pieces would be in following configuration: BKQNRNRB Final notation for this position is: 182573
Definitely the sense of CVPage readers in second year 1996 of website, when Bodlaender alone posted, was Track One, the Next Chess. We appreciate Joe Joyce's making serious comments briefly recapitulating unbeknownst that early ethos. In Argentina Fischer presented his alternative the same year of this article. Eric van Reem and the other authors may not mention anywhere that best information is that Alexandre in 1820's came up with the seminal idea for FRC. (Alexandre was one of the operators hidden inside The Turk automaton for Maelzel's circus.) By the time Betza became prolific in 2001, Track Two of whimsy and divertissement overtook Track One, and they both still have a role. Hey who would give up ''A Visit to Nemeroth'' for some extended Shatranj?
The new world champion Hikaru Nakamura! http://www.chessbase.com/newsdetail.asp?newsid=5626 Randomized 8x8 came and went already many times. Researchers could write books on CVs randomizing pieces. Next to Carrera (RN) and (BN), shuffling is the most popular type of CV in all time for designers cooking something up. Pritchard 'ECV' under Baseline Chess records year 1851 at Baden Baden score between van der Hoeven and von der Lasa starting BKRRBNNQ. Pritchard's source is 'Dizionario Enciclopedico degli Scacchi'. It's what we call FRC or Chess960 now for purely political reasons. The variables in the theme for these 200 years, since Alexandre's invention, chiefly include: (1) whether non-mirrors allowed (2) players select or not (3) how much free placement. Also included (4) what CV to start with, since it doesn't have to be really 8x8 RNBQKBNR, but instead such as Capablanca 8x10. http://www.chessvariants.org/large.dir/bbchess/bbchess.html Before is a plenteous one by Professor Shoenfelder on 10x10 more liberally predisposed than even Benko's Pre-Chess. At that time of Capablanca Chess inception, around 1921 Erich Brunner began popularizing 8x8 Random as Free Chess. FC tourneys in 1920s happened at Switzerland and England, like Mainz 2006-2009 repeats now. The difference between Free and FRC is mostly respecting #(2) above; for Free the answer is Yes, and for Fischer the answer is No.
There are many more attempts in 'ECV', including sources, at mixing up the first and last ranks.
The Mutator is repeatedly exploited over two centuries. As Mutators,
a good CV should include from 2 up to 10 well-thought-out alternate arrays, hoping or expecting each of them eventually to be played repeatedly. The idea of Free or Pre- or Fischer is more one-shot and forget-about-it. CV designers put forth an alternate initial array, so that when one exhausts (as RNBQKBNR exhausted probably by year 1920), just go to another 1 or 2 carefully selected. Only a few turn out to meet all criteria of aesthetics, challenge and evenness.
[Related shufflers, RANDOMIZED CHESS and REAL CHESS in 'ECV' must be deferred for brevity.] In early 1970s the same general idea re-surfaces as Screen Chess, somewhat like Pre-Chess (1978) to follow. Differently Screen Chess involves further pre-deployment of forces beyond starting rank without shared knowledge; prolific Joseph Boyer expanded some modalities for SC -- suggesting it probably goes back to 1960s.
To us this generic randomizing is more about Mutator niceties, not full-fledged CVs, even if adding some castling technicalities. Yet Fischer is entitled to Chess960 by CVPage standards (loose but not strict). So would be Karpov entitled to Chess 970, if so inclined, just by thinking up 10 more adequate orders. One or another Polger can have Chess 980, Anand Chess 990, and Kramnik 1000, and so on. To each his and her own. Or exclude 100 of them for your own Chess 860, 760, 660, 560; best add some ad hoc castling rule or even promotion characteristic for personal distinguishment.
We should consider by his victory over Levon Aronian at Mainz 2009 Nakamura the world champion of Chess! Period. Because versatility at many arrays, whatever the undertaking is called or how brief the tournament, is superior measure than memorization within the silicon-owned RNBQKBNR fixed. For so long as FRC is the major creative competition -- and great sport as such -- by succeeding Aronian, Nakamura is now considered the premier one to beat. Congratulations are the order of the day.
Fischer is the 'inventor' because only he had the audacity to come up with this seemingly convoluted but quite logical castling rules. It is truly amazing that world caliber players are now playing this variant - it is really taking off. Treating the squares c1 and g1 as safety bunkers for the king - castling makes perfect sense . With this in mind, I have a new idea one i may submit soon regarding shuffle chess. An alternative to castling, King's leap to the b or g squares (from any position in backrank), applicable to shuffle chess and seemingly never 'invented' before in the 'exact form' i propose. In conjunction to Fischer random castling slightly modified - I call this new system: King to Bunker Leap. It is applicable to shuffle chess and to pre-chess. There are many who would differ that 'Chess 1' is exhausted though. I tend to agree to some degree, with the caveat 'for high rated > 2000 elo' or for those not willing to specialize in 1 game. Try 'exhausting to compete in' instead. Excellence in Chess 1 translates almost directly to full capability in 960 with some debacles because of unfamiliarity with weird angles and so forth. Nakamura could very well be future world champ. But Anand competed very strongly in this event losing to Aronian years back. Note that computers win in chess 960 just as easily, but novelties/opening preparation not an issue here, though one can always attempt to memorize 960 position opening theory to some extent.
http://www.chessbase.com/news/2009/mainz/games/960_02.htm Look at win in 26 and win in 22 by Nakamura over Aronian. (Sounds like Nay-Array) All these 500 years we did not realize the way to play was say nay to array. Doesn't Aronian seems to be ahead in drawn game 7 at move 30. Up three points for over 15 turns til around #45. Instead of 32 R-d6 what's wrong with 33 Rxd7, breaking up the Black Bishop pair and still up a Pawn? (Not for long), but there must be something around there, moves 30-45, before the Rook is pinned and the point value doesn't mean anything. Variantists have to start annotating again somewhere -- Betza alone used to annotate a lot in CVP -- and Chess960 is a good place, since, since Alexandre in 1820s, shuffle is a legitimate chess alteration. The trick is to find rules-set everyone can be interested in, and so far only Chess960 fits that for whole scores. I have to admit the same sentence could have been said in 1999. That only Random Chess fits that for whole scores. That's appalling really, making everything else for a decade and a half having been experimentation, trial and error, even Betza's. http://chessvariants.org/d.betza/chessvar/missmark.html There Betza annotates Missing the Mark.
'I love chess, and I didn't invent Fischerandom chess to destroy chess. I invented Fischerandom chess to keep chess going. Because I consider the old chess is dying, or really it's dead. A lot of people have come up with other rules of chess-type games, with 10x8 boards, new pieces, and all kinds of things. I'm really not interested in that. I want to keep the old chess flavour. I want to keep the old chess game. But just making a change so the starting positions are mixed, so it's not degenerated down to memorization and prearrangement like it is today.' - Bobby Fischer as quoted in http://www.chess960.net/quotes
OrthoChess64 is not popular anymore all the way to the top. Not the way it would cause great excitement in past centuries. Call F.I.D.E.-approved 64 squaress ''PastChess'' if you would. You'll never recreate the Fischer-Spassky atmosphere or any of dozens others with existing format. Nakamura on death of Chess, followed by Fischer: http://www.thechessdrum.net/newsbriefs/2005/NB_ChessDead.html http://www.chessbase.com/newsdetail.asp?newsid=153 Something's in the air. You can smell it. Every pundit feels compelled to weigh in, with varying degree of manners, and some of them get to where they take the opposite tack to stifle news of reform, as Hutnik points out ''persona non grata.'' We're talking over a decade or two, including all the history of CVPage. CVPage itself is one of the best evidences for the winds of change. http://www.lyricsfreak.com/b/bob+dylan/the+times+they+are+achangin_20021240.htm. //World population triples to 7 billion by 2011 from 1940 2.3 billion, and the percentage who are Chess players steadily declines in the West. A big loss of players has to be to online action games, but I think the right CVs, including FRC, could reverse the trends.
I have experimented with initial relocation moves, and I have found that it's
possible to manually generate 25 modest positions from the Chess960 array.
See Fischer Placement Chess where the queen is also allowed to swap with
a rook.
possible to manually generate 25 modest positions from the Chess960 array.
See Fischer Placement Chess where the queen is also allowed to swap with
a rook.
It is a GREAT informational page. It helped me on my project. THANKS!! :D
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