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Child's play compared to Fizzbin Chess. Fizzbin Chess, now there's a *real* man's chess variant. :-)
Holy cow! This is really really complicated! I can't tell if it's good yet, but it sure as heck is complicated. I'll have to read it three more times.
I think that EXISTENTIALIST CHESS is one of the most intriguing cv's I've ever come up with. Yes, it is complicated, but read through the rules a few times and eventually you'll get the hang of it. One of the things that's fun about this game is all the different combinations you can come up with from confabulating the archer and zednick. Is the archer too powerful a piece? Perhaps. One may be forced to give up one of their own powerful pieces just to get rid of their opponent's archer. A few notes to add that I forgot to mention from the text: A cannon's long jump move is done in a straight line either horizontally or vertically but not diagonally. Though I didn't intend it originally as such when I wrote it, so as to go along with the literal description of the rule as stated, a dazzler may not jump an enemy shield, either with the long cannon-like jump (intended rule) or from 2 squares away (unintended rule). There were a few typos in the text as originally posted, I've sent in an email to the editors of this site pointing them out asking them to correct them. Captain Kirk, you're funny. I know what you mean, but I did not set out to deliberately make a game that was overly complicated. I just wanted to create a game with a lot of different pieces and a lot of possibilities. I think that, by comparison, my game is easier to follow than a game like THE GAME OF NEMOROTH which seems to me to be very hard to play and has pieces conflicting each other all the time. Lastly I would like to add that I welcome anyone to email me at DavidNYJfan@hotmail.com if you would like to play EXISTENTIALIST CHESS with me by email. We can submit an ASCII diagram to each other with each move, though I would prefer to play against people who have ZILLIONS OF GAMES and when a zrf file for this game is eventually posted to this page, use it to record the positions of the game and only email each other the moves, and not the diagram too.
This seems like a very complicated game. I rated it as 'none' because I have no practical experience in this game. I have not even imagined the possibilities. It would be unrealistic for me to give it a rating. But I do have comments (of course) ....... You have a good imagination. It seems a bit much, but some pieces seem to have potential. I particularly like the idea of the Hyena. I'm not too sure about the Archer though? And I'm not too sure about this Confabulation theme? However, it does accomplish what you appearred to have set out to accomplish ........ A game that is rich in multiple possibilities. Really seems like a 'hard-thinking' game. Michael
i can't judge a game this complicated w/o playing it first. i am looking forward to trying it tho. is anybody working on a zillions file for this game?
This an intriguing chess variant... interesting. I can't rate it until I get experience in the variant, if I can find the time to try it out.
Well, since I already posted one comment and rated my game as 'excellent' I won't tip the scales any further with additional comments so I will rate this comment as 'none' I am glad that some typographical errors to the text have been corrected. Also some additional material was added in a place or two. I am surprised that this game has not drawn more attention among the avid enthusiasts of this site since it has been published. I think that this variant is extremely intriguing and exciting. One of the things which makes it so interesting is that it is up for discussion as to what the best strategy to use in this game is, especially as regards the archer and zednick. Do you confabulate them as early as possible and commit yourself to one course of action, or do you wait a while, develop your pieces a bit, let the game get into some rhythmic flow, see which way the wind blows a bit before deciding where to confabulate these pieces? What is the best use for the archer? What is the best use for the zednick? What value does one give the new pieces compared to the traditional ones? How strong can the existentialist be? How can one defend against the archer? It would probably take quite a bit of play-testing, not just one or two games but literally ten or twenty to really begin to get a feel for the game and get an answer to these questions. I do not think this game is overly complicated, it's just that there are so many different possibilities that it may be hard to keep track of all of them.
I think part of the trouble with this variant, and the reason that people hesitate to try it is the lack of a coherent theme, by theme I include abstract themes such as all pieces have abstract quality X. this game have various categories of pieces: King : royal Squire, Viceroy, Pawn, Crowned Knight, left/right schzzhi: normal, i.e. no special powers but can be effected by others Bobber: extending powers (to itself) dazzler, hyenna : immobilizer archer, zednick : confabulators yanzee : invulnerable extentialist : morph teleporter: transports self. I feel there's a excess of categories and overlap between the powers between the pieces. this game would be better I think if no two pieces have the same higher power. for example having had the dazzler both hyenna and yanzee is somewhat superflous. similarly archer is a more coherent piece than zednick which has 4 unrelated powers, so it would be a better games without zednick. A compromise would to give the power of the zednick to the bobber which creates the stretegic tension of whether to keep the bobber around or to confabulate it with some other piece to increase that piece's power. I think the more constrained variant below might be easier to start with: all the normal pieces and the king. King : royal Squire, Viceroy, Pawn, Crowned Knight, left/right schzzhi: normal Dazzler: as the immobilizer and giver of invulnerability archer: as the confabulator bobber/zednick: moves as bobber or can confabulate as a zednick teleporter: transports itself extentialist: cycles through all the non-royal pieces, on 11th move it sleeps, than another cycle, then explode. I think I have preserved all the ideas in your game and simplified it a bit. hope you find it interesting.
Existentialist Chess certainly contains interesting ideas -- any one of which might be enough to be the basis for a good variant. The inventor certainly has a fertile mind. And I'm not at all averse to large and complex variants. But without having played E.C. yet, my impression is that the inventor might have tried to put too much into one game and the game therefore might suffer from lack of clarity -- meaning that it will be difficult for the player to see more than a couple of moves ahead given all of the interactions on the board. I think it might be worthwhile for the inventor to consider using the ideas in E.C. to make several variants, each simpler than E.C. but still complex enough to be interesting and with greater clarity. I might be mistaken, though, and if someone out there could come up with a ZRF for E.C., I'd certainly like to give it a try and be proven wrong.
This is a nice variant, with many good ideas. In fact, almost too many good ideas. The author got carried away. I wouldn't bet this variant is playable.
I'll omit a rating. There are too many interesting concepts to be Poor, but probably not enough cohesion or playability to truly merit Good. Actually, the bits and pieces of this game might well make two or three variants of reasonable merit with better focus. (I started to write a ZRF, but set it aside.)
I'm actually playing an email game of this with David Short, the inventor. We're only on move 8, too soon to have an opinion yet. Mostly I'm trying to figure out how to develop, and haven't really had to address most of the special powers. Note that a subset of this game was entered in the 84-Squares Contest as Schizophrenic Chess.
I know that there are quite a few people who regularly visit this site who have written ZRF files for new variants which are posted on this site, so my question is directed to them. Has anyone had any luck yet creating a ZRF for Existentialist Chess? Please update us on your progress!
An unconfabulated archer can only move one square in a non-capturing manner, according to #12 in the FAQ -- does this mean it make a regular move? The description of the archer seems to imply that it can't move at all unless a friendly piece is next to it, and then it can only move to confabulate with one of the friendly pieces next to it.
No. An unconfabulated archer (as well as an unconfabulated zednick), when making a move where it is not confabulating itself with a friendly piece, may move one square in any direction (horizontally, vertically or diagonally). It may not capture enemy pieces when unconfabulated. When confabulating with a friendly piece (besides the ones it is restricted from merging with), it does so by moving one square in any direction (horizontally, vertically or diagonally) into the square occupied by the friendly piece. This completes the player's turn and the opponent moves. When an archer is confabulated with a friendly piece, that piece has the option on any turn of making its regular move or firing an arrow two squares in any direction (horizontally, vertically or diagonally) killing the first enemy piece in its line of sight. See the rules for restrictions on the archer's firing ability.
Keep in mind also that when an archer and zednick confabulate with each other, its normal firing range is three squares. Keep the following rules in mind: A hyena which is immobilizing a confabulated archer piece may not make a regular move, and may only fire an arrow at the hyena. This may seem pointless, to try to immobilize an archer this way, unless the hyena can move with a discovered attack or discovered check to give the opponent something to think about. The exception to this is when a hyena is immobilizing the archer/zednick piece, its range is cut back from three squares to two, although it may freely shoot at any target it wishes to, not just the hyena. Sometimes it is necessary to read through the rules two or three times until one has completely familiarized themself with them. Incidentally, I was showing Existentialist Chess to a friend of mine at my local chess club the other night, and he pointed out something to me that I had not realized when I originally submitted the game. It is impossible for a shield to come between a friendly and enemy pawn in such a way that it could prevent en passant castling, so the section I wrote about that can just be ignored. I welcome questions and comments about this game. I will always be willing to answer them to the best of my ability.
good or bad what does it have to do with existentialism?!?!
After doing some more play-testing with John Lawson, we agreed that another rule change is in order: The dazzler is the only piece that is completely immune from the effects of a hyena. By making this rule change, one can try to use their dazzler to get near a hyena, and on a subsequent move, jump it and force it to move, force it to release its spell on any and all pieces it was immobilizing. This is an important counter-balance rule to prevent the hyena from becoming overly powerful. Incidentally I am accepting all challenges to play Existentialist Chess thru the following link: http://play.chessvariants.com/pbm/presets/existentialistchesspreset.html This link will soon be added to the PBeM system of this web site. My email for receiving challenges: pbm4dc@hotmail.com my userid: davidnyjfan
Like Glenn, I cannot give your game a rating, but it is because I cannot decide between Good or Excellent. The game looks very clever, and there is a commendable attempt to bring in pieces of comparable value. I would like to play it some later month/year, but I have a couple of criticisms, which may or may not prove useful for future versions. (I take it for granted that there will be future versions if there is playtesting enough.) Two Zednicks would not be a luxury, at the expense of the Existentialist or the Bobber. (Indeed, you have too many Queens. There are already two Schizzies and promotable Yanzees (and Pawns). A third Queen type should be a Cannon Queen or use baroque, non-rifle, capture.) The Squire seems also a bit too strong, and I would prefer a simple Rook, which would be a bit too weak. But too many pieces have a King's move. Or did the Teleporters make it necessary? However, the confabulations, the Dazzlers, the Hyena, the Schizzies and the Teleporters make your game really interesting.
addendum: Player #1 puts Player #2's king in check. Player #2's existentialist has previously made 19 moves. It is legal for Player #2 to ignore the check on his king and move the existentialist for the 20th time, only if the resulting blast either: a) kills Player #1's king, in which case Player #2 immediately wins the game b) kills both kings, in which case the game ends in a draw This maneuver is not legal if the explosion only kills the opponent's archer confabulated to the king, for the opponent would then be able to capture his king and win the game. He could, however, use this manuever to win the game if the enemy king's archer is on its forced rest move.
Is anyone watching my game with John Lawson in the Game Courier right now? I urge you all to check it out, and see a practical application of it in play. Once you get the hang of how the pieces move, you begin to see that there actually is some strategy to it and that it's really NOT that complicated or hard to learn or understand how to play it.
No, it is not that complicated, but I lost track after a few moves because I was playing and following several other interesting games. What I do find complicated is the set of gif images you're using in the preset. It would help if you brought in a set of images for Existentialist Chess which would be coherent with the zrf for Schizophrenic Chess. Casual viewers should be able to recognize a Teleporter or a Schizzy instantly.
I didn't create the graphics for the Preset for Existentialist Chess, Tony Quintanilla did. Perhaps Tony should talk to Peter Aronson (who created the graphics for Schizophrenic Chess) and get the graphics for the pieces which are common to both games from him and add them to Existentialist Chess' preset. I don't know if he can change the graphics to the preset without interfering with my existing game with John Lawson. It may be necessary for him to create a second preset link and later remove the first one (which is being used for my game with John) after my game is over.
David, I used a standard Game Courier image set that uses Alfaerie images, created by David Howe, for the preset. I agree that creating a special set more appropriate to this game would be beneficial.
<p>If you suggest specific images for each piece from the Alfaerie set, or another image set, correlated with piece names, I can update the preset. If you can send me a zip file with the images and names, that would be best.
<p>A preset is used by the Game Courier script to create an initial log file for a new game. The image set and other settings used in the game are defined in the log file. Game Courier uses and updates the log file throughout the game without referring to the preset again. So a preset can be revised without affecting ongoing games.
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