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JOHN wrote on Sat, Jun 25, 2005 01:54 PM UTC:
Hi, I've been looking all across the net for a decent/different chess set and have purchased the following: <p><a href="">ebay link</a> <p>I paid £54 incl p&p from China and then wondered if I really had made a good deal....? <p>Please can you let me know what you think? I would be very interested. <p>Very many thanks; JOHN

Roberto Lavieri wrote on Sat, Jun 25, 2005 08:03 PM UTC:
Pieces look superb, I like it a lot, but board is far from impressive, I
say modest quality, but not ugly. Price is, more or less, what I would
expect, perhaps a good price, but not an extraordinary opportunity.

JOHN wrote on Sun, Jun 26, 2005 11:37 AM UTC:
Thanks for the feedback - what type of boards/chess sets do you use and
where do you buy them from?

Roberto Lavieri wrote on Mon, Jun 27, 2005 07:10 PM UTC:
It is a long history, including a few hand-made boards and sets, but in
Internet you can find good offers for, at least, good conventional Chess
sets, and for rarities, as you did. If you want to play some variants, I
am afraid that the best you can do is make yourself the set and board, or
looking for an artisan to do that, but some commercial sets can help, like
Omega Chess sets, by example. With ceramic tiles you can construct almost
any class of boards if you want, also, but unconventional pieces is a bit
more difficult, and some work is needed.

John Lawson wrote on Tue, Jun 28, 2005 12:45 AM UTC:
For pieces, I have a regular Staunton set, plus three different modern
style sets.  In addition, I have the three Exchess sets (see for available sets), so I can mix and match
pieces as needed, and they are pleasing to play with, being medium quality
wooden sets.
Boards are a bigger problem, which I haven't solved to my satisfaction. 
I recently purchased a table saw for a home improvement project, and I am
considering making a couple boards in common sizes like 10x10 and 10x8.

Gary Gifford wrote on Tue, Jun 28, 2005 12:47 AM UTC:
A beautiful chess set indeed.  But I saw it listed at a lower 29.99 pounds.

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