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The side ad appears above the rest of the content on my laptop screen instead of to the side. On my Chromebook, the ad appears to the left, but there is a wide space between the ad and the content (which are left- and right-aligned, respectively). On both, the Favorites list on Person Information pages has been pushed to the bottom of the page (rather than on the right where it used to appear).
I have fixed the placement of the Favorites on the Person Information page. If you're seeing only one sidebar ad on your Chromebook, what you are seeing is the correct behavior. When there isn't room for both sidebar ads, the content is right aligned. I might change that a little bit as I continue tinkering with it today. The problem of the ad appearing above the content was sometimes happening while I was working on this yesterday, and I corrected it when I noticed it. I did not see it happening today when I checked pages in Waterfox, Chrome, Internet Explorer, Opera, and Safari on Windows 7.
This messed up the site severely. I had to use the Stylish browser extension to fix it, and it is still not quite fixed (the margin is still slightly too wide). The menus also are not aligned properly, but I can later try to fix that too.
What browser and operating system are you using?

The ads are now appearing more correctly on the left and right sides, but the content is often still pushed below. That seems to be an issue with the ads sometimes being too wide. Ubuntu, Firefox With the Chromebook, the relative positioning of the left column ad and the content is OK, but it would be nicer if the content could automatically resize to avoid the ugly gap that's the size of 1.5 ads. (This of course is a lesser concern than having to scroll down a page to see the page contents.)
I'm using Firefox in Ubuntu right now. The menu items are staggering, as you showed in your screenshot. I'm not sure what could be causing this. The main things I did to the menu recently were to enclose it in HEADER and NAV tags, but when I temporarily took those out, it didn't help. The new ad code happens below the menu and should have no effect on it. I may have to try undoing various things until I find the cause.
I changed the width values at which ad columns get hidden, and I fixed the code to always place the wide ads on the left and the narrow ad on the right. That should fix the display issues with the ads. What's going on with the menus remains a mystery, though.
Finding a solution to the staggering lines was easier than figuring out what caused it to happen. Setting the line height of each list item in the menu made them line up.
<p>At least now on my own computer I have fixed the problems by using Stylish
and Policeman. (I am also using Firefox on Ubuntu) At least, I fixed them
to my preferences, which may not be the same as others want but it is what
I want.</p>
<p>Basically what I am saying is that I personally do not like many of these changes you have made (I myself do not like the narrower content), but nevertheless the stylesheets built-in to the webpage also ought not to be broken. If you want narrower width for content and sidebar ads, fine you can do that (I have no objections for you doing such thing), although be aware that anyone might locally override the CSS and scripts of any webpage they want to view.</p>
<p>Even so, when I disable my custom stylesheet, the menus are still staggered, except for the "Shop" menu, so there is still a problem (my own stylesheet fixes this problem by increasing the line height even more, and changes the font weight to normal).</p>
One thing that could make the menus look different on your computer than on mine would be which fonts you have installed, or, if you're able to change it, which font you use for sans-serif. I looked at the fonts list for the menu, and it was "Segoe UI", Arial, Arimo, sans-serif. The first two are Windows fonts, the third is a non-standard font, and the last just indicates the default sans-serif font, whatever that is. Looking at the fonts in /usr/share/fonts/truetype/, I found none of the fonts I specified. So I decided to pick one of the fonts there to add to the fonts list for the menu, and I added "Liberation Sans Regular", which appears to be the font Ubuntu uses for sans-serif on my computer, as it made no difference. Please let me know if this stops the line items from staggering or if you have any ideas on how it can be fixed.
While in Ubuntu, I tested things on Chromium and Epiphany. I fixed a problem in Chromium that I also had in Chrome last night with the subdomain menu, and I learned that Epiphany doesn't set the language. So when the language is not set, it is now assumed to be United States English.

Note that this multi-column business badly fails on the articles about variants with large boards, that use wide images, like Macadamia Shogi. There it decides to print the adds, probably based on the total width of my screen, but as they don't fit side by side with the article text, it prints them above the text. But it still prints them as a narrow column, so that the article only starts very deep down on the page.
Macadamia Shogi shows up fine on my computer. Under what conditions is it having problems on your computer?

I am using FireFox under Windows 8.1, on a laptop screen that is 1366 pixels wide (and 1:1 zoom). The article itself looks OK (namely as it always looked), but the ads that are supposed to be next to it are all aboe it (between the menu bar and the Introduction section), in a mostly white area that has the ads in anarrow strip on the left. It is the same with the other articles on large Shogi variants (Maka Dai Dai, Tenjiku etc.).
My Windows 7 laptop is 1280 pixels wide, which is too narrow to display the sidebar ads. Maybe I'll just try different screen resolutions on my desktop.
Using Windows 7, since I don't have 8, I looked at all your large Shogi variant pages with the screen resolution set to 1366 pixels, and I didn't once see the ads appear above the content. Maybe there is some difference between Windows 7 and 8 that is causing it to look different on your laptop. Since you're using Firefox, can you install the Web Developer extension and report back some numbers? After you install it, you will find a submenu in Tools called "Web Developer Extension." This will have a submenu called "Resize," which will have an item called "Display Window Size." Can you report back the values you get from this? I get "Window: 1382px x 754px Viewport: 1366px x 617px". I find it odd that I'm getting a wider window than the screen resolution. Does the problem you're describing happen when the window is fullsize?
Also, are you seeing both ad columns or just one? At a screen width of 1366, I'm seeing only one.
I just checked if I could do math in CSS, and I learned that I could, using a CSS function called calc(). I'm now going to be adjusting some values in calc until things look right.
I have finished adjusting values for now. Instead of being set to 900px, the width of the MAIN area in the HTML is calculated to a value that will fit comfortably between the ads (or beside one ad) without too large or too narrow of a gap between them. As the window narrows, the right ad disappears. As it narrows more, the right ad (which is narrower) comes back while the left ads disappear. As it narrows even more, both the left and right ads disappear.

I can confirm the problem with the side panel in my Shogi sibmissions is now solved: it appears left of the article text. On this commentpage, however, the space reserved for the ads seems just half of what is necessary, so that the ads cover the date and name coulumn of the comments. This could be related to the very large image Charles posted, forcing the content to be wider than foreseen.
Yes, click on [all messages] to see how it looks without the large image Charles posted.

Indeed, that solves it. When the image is still in view the ads are behind the comments now.
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To make content easier to read, I have placed it in a narrower column in the center. This column measures 900 pixels wide, or about 10.5 inches on my monitor. On widescreen desktop monitors, the extra space is used for vertical ads. So that the content is centered, there is normally an ad column on each side. These ads are visible only when the screen is wide enough to show them without overlapping or reducing the width of the content. When a screen is not wide enough for two columns, but it is wide enough for one column, only the left column will be displayed. If it is too narrow for even one column, no sidebar ads will be displayed. Sidebar ads will not be displayed on any device identified as a mobile device in its User Agent. Just before doing this, I opened an affiliate account with The House of Staunton. So many of the new ads will be Chess related.