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🕸Fergus Duniho wrote on Mon, Feb 15, 2016 04:34 PM UTC:
One thing that could make the menus look different on your computer than on
mine would be which fonts you have installed, or, if you're able to change
it, which font you use for sans-serif. I looked at the fonts list for the
menu, and it was "Segoe UI", Arial, Arimo, sans-serif. The first two are
Windows fonts, the third is a non-standard font, and the last just
indicates the default sans-serif font, whatever that is. Looking at the
fonts in /usr/share/fonts/truetype/, I found none of the fonts I specified.
So I decided to pick one of the fonts there to add to the fonts list for
the menu, and I added "Liberation Sans Regular", which appears to be the
font Ubuntu uses for sans-serif on my computer, as it made no difference.
Please let me know if this stops the line items from staggering or if you
have any ideas on how it can be fixed.