David Paulowich wrote on Sat, Aug 28, 2004 10:44 PM UTC:Excellent ★★★★★
1. P b2-b3
1... p d7-d5
2. R a1-p1; I-p1 // pocket nightrider
2... b c8-d7
3. I p1-b2 // is a PMChess Fool's Mate. Neat!
This variant has the potential to go beyond excellent. Bringing Class 4 up to four pieces yields 21 different pieces for the game, including the King. And 21, being the product of the magic numbers 3 and 7, makes a traditional choice for a complete set. I suggest adding the SuperAlibaba to Class 4, as its WFAD moves make a nice change from long range pieces.
This variant has the potential to go beyond excellent. Bringing Class 4 up to four pieces yields 21 different pieces for the game, including the King. And 21, being the product of the magic numbers 3 and 7, makes a traditional choice for a complete set. I suggest adding the SuperAlibaba to Class 4, as its WFAD moves make a nice change from long range pieces.