& the messages below which read:
"11x11 (Standard) Fire Shogi:
Pieces are wedge-shaped with these letters written on them. I write English letters because it's already hard to convince people to play this, so I don't need to make it more difficult by using kanji. All pieces are the same color so the drop rule can be utilized. The board is generally lightly checkered because the board is large and many pieces slide on diagonals, so checkering is extremely important here.
The 3 furthest ranks are a player's "promotion zone". Most pieces have an additional piece they can promote to, written on the back side of the piece. Once a piece enters, exits, or moves within the promotion zone, that piece has the option to promote. If you forget to promote a piece you must wait until you move the piece again.
There are 3 sub-variations of this variant involving the drop rule. You can have no drops whatsoever, unlimited drops, or unlimited drops with a hand size of 3, so if you get a 4th piece you must discard something. Pawns and Jewelers only count for half a piece, so you can keep 6 pawns in hand, for instance. 3 hand size is the most fun variant imo. If playing with drops, when you capture a piece it doesn't immediately leave the game; instead it goes to your hand. On your turn, instead of moving a piece on the board, you can chose to drop a captured piece from your hand to ANY empty space on the board as your own. Pieces are always dropped un-promoted.
Dropping into the promotion zone does not give you the opportunity to promote; you must move a piece to promote it. Similarly, dropping a flame does not burn, you must move to burn. Burnt pieces never enter your hand, they are killed permanently. A F or FL that lands on a piece captures by displacement, not burning, so that piece goes to your hand. A 2-step that enters then exits the promotion zone in the same turn can not promote, as it neither started nor ended its turn in the promotion zone.
This is the piece lineup from both perspectives, there is rotational symmetry.
p p p p p p p p p p p
2S- Two-step. Compare to Lion from Chu Shogi. Moves as a king, then optionally again as a king. Can change direction, can capture 2 pieces, can return to original square. Promotes to FL
B- Bishop. Promotes to Queen.
BM- Box Man. Promoted Squire. Moves as King or Squire, making a 5x5 box of movement possibilities.
BR- Bishop-Rook. Moves at least one space as a bishop, then at least one space outwards as a rook. It must stop when capturing, so it can be blocked on diagonals by opposing pieces.
CB- Crooked Bishop. Moves one space orthogonally, then outwards as a rook. It must stop when capturing, so it can be blocked orthogonally. Promotes to RB
CR- Crooked Rook. Moves one space diagonally, then outwards as a bishop. It must stop when capturing, so it can be blocked diagonally. Promotes to BR
DN- Double Knight. Moves as a knight, then again as a knight. It can change direction, return to its original square, and capture 2 pieces like 2S can. It must make both steps, so it is "colorbound" on its destination squares.
F- Flame. Moves as a king, then burns any opponent adjacent to it. Can capture 8 pieces at once. Promotes to Fire Lord.
FL- Fire Lord. Moves as 2S, then burns any opponent adjacent to it.
J- Jeweler. Moves as Kirin, that is jumps to the second orthogonal or first diagonal, making a "diamond" shape. Promotes to Double Knight
DN- Double Knight. Moves as a knight, then again as a knight, 2-step style. It can capture twice. It must make both moves, and thus is "colorbound".
K- King
p- Chess "torpedo" pawn. Captures diagonally and passively moves forward, can always double-advance forward and en passant is possible any time it double-advances.
Pr- Prince. Moves as a knight or 2 (sometimes 3, haven't made up my mind) spaces in any direction.
Q- Queen. Promotes to QN
QN- Moves as a Queen or Knight
R- Rook. Promotes to Queen
RB- Rook-Bishop. Moves at least one space as a rook, then at least one space outwards as a bishop. It must stop when capturing, so it can be blocked on orthogonals by opposing pieces.
SM- Side Mover. Moves sideways like a rook, or up/down one space. Promotes to Rook.
SQ- Squire. Jumps to the second space in any direction or jumps as a knight, forming a square of possible moves. Promotes to Box Man
VM- Vertical Mover. Slides up/down like a rook, or one step sideways. Promotes to Rook."
"Pretty much, just a couple of changes since that doc
-Each player's CB and B on the right is swapped from the given initial setup; CB is always to the left of B
-Jeweler can promote to Bishop, Pawn can promote to Jeweler. Double knight is removed from the game.
-Prince moves like a king, but can only be captured if 2 pieces can attack it; it is silver. Promotes to Crowned Prince, which retains its movement but becomes royal. Win is by royal extinction so multiple royals help."