Similar in spirit to Mafarrate's earlier Gravitational Chess, differing in the details:
Pieces here retreat only to empty squares, where Mafarrate allows double capture (friendly pieces block retreats in both games)
Pawns and Kings are excluded in Gravitational but not Retreating Chess; the latter adjusts the pawn move accordingly
The present game adds a virtual extra rank at each end of the board; Gravl Ch. simply has staying on the far side being rather diffficult (though not impossible)
The comment about side‐to‐side pawn chains in the introduction is an odd one considering that pawns still defend diagonally [EDIT: as Haru points out, pawn chains operate this way not because of where the defending pawn will move, but because of where an attacking piece will end up after having captured a pawn]
Similar in spirit to Mafarrate's earlier Gravitational Chess, differing in the details:
The comment about side‐to‐side pawn chains in the introduction is an odd one considering that pawns still defend diagonally[EDIT: as Haru points out, pawn chains operate this way not because of where the defending pawn will move, but because of where an attacking piece will end up after having captured a pawn]Lev's more recent contribution is an interesting twist on the same theme