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Piececlopedia. (Updated!) An encyclopedic reference on Chess variant pieces.[All Comments] [Add Comment or Rating]
Bn Em wrote on Thu, Jan 9 09:22 PM UTC:

Well, if nothing else this certainly does make certain omissions quite obvious, insofar as the classification covers everything already in the piececlopedia quite well while still feeling a bit ad‐hoc.

In particular, the restricted‐range riders (short rook, Q3, ⁊c) and their converses (Timur's Picket) occupy an intermediate position between Riders and the Lame leapers that have here been relegated to the Hybrids section; I'd also tend to the view that crooked and curved riders have more in common with bent riders than with linear ones, and the (long‐range) Aronson Rhino would seem to me to be a datum in support of that; likewise the short‐range (“single‐step”, despite making up to two) one is as much a restricted‐range crooked (or, in fact, bent) rider as it (or indeed any rider!) is a lame–non‐lame compound. Gilman's Mighty Like A Rose may well be an influence in that respect

For what it's worth, I've wondered for a while whether the Rhino article in particular, discussing as it does a variety of pieces of which none are in particularly common (or salient) use (though I think they have appeared since the article was written), might not be better classified as a Piece Article that as part of the Piececlopedia.

The long‐standing omission of Modern Elephant/Dabbaba, 4:2 leaper, and less‐common but still noteworthy things like the Slip‐Rook/Panda is of course a separate issue that I still hope to get around to rectifying at some point if I'm not beaten to it…