I suppose the heuristic used by the Interactive Diagram implicitly does something similar. Most of the piece value is determined by the number of captures the piece on average can make. But this is measured on a 25% filled board, where the density of pieces of a certain color decreases linearly from their own backrank to zero just beyond the furthrest rank. The larger number of enemy pieces it will hit in the forward direction will then cause more captures for the forward moves than for similar backward moves.
I suppose the heuristic used by the Interactive Diagram implicitly does something similar. Most of the piece value is determined by the number of captures the piece on average can make. But this is measured on a 25% filled board, where the density of pieces of a certain color decreases linearly from their own backrank to zero just beyond the furthrest rank. The larger number of enemy pieces it will hit in the forward direction will then cause more captures for the forward moves than for similar backward moves.