If these two Pawn types are essentially the same, you might as well replace both with Stewards, which have the same move (move without capturing one square orthogonally, capture one square diagonally).
The reason I am using Pawns and not Stewards is for estetic purposes. The second reason is that Chinese Pawns promote on a row, while Berolina Pawns promote on a column. Using three types of Pawns will also prevent cheating.
The Kings can not move into check or be checkmated.
Does that last part (or be checkmated) mean that other pieces cannot put the King in check?
The King can be in check but players are not allowed to deliver checkmate because they will lose the game.
The reason I am using Pawns and not Stewards is for estetic purposes. The second reason is that Chinese Pawns promote on a row, while Berolina Pawns promote on a column. Using three types of Pawns will also prevent cheating.
The King can be in check but players are not allowed to deliver checkmate because they will lose the game.