George Duke wrote on Tue, Mar 23, 2004 05:27 PM UTC:
To go with Depth-Clarity-Decisive-Drama, the first-order generalities,
there are now numeric Piece-type Density, Game Length(# moves), and Event
Frequency [(Checks + Captures)/#Moves]. [Cited by Michael Nelson from Ralph Betza's
constructs:] Power Density makes four quantifiable factors so far to evaluate
a given set of game rules, or any of millions. Power Density, not even
requiring database of games played, makes ideal a priori evaluative
criterion. PD trades off with PTD: other things being equal, a lower PD
tolerates a higher PTD.
Larry Smith's Gradations in piece powers are measureable, rigorous as any
other way, by, with n the number of piece types and PV piece value:
[PV1/PV2 + PV1/PV3...+ PV1/PVn + PV2/PV3...+PV2/PVn...+PV(n-1)/PVn]/
--now five measureable quantities, three without any records of play
needed at all--absolute standards if one will.