I will point out that these are used for shortcodes. Instead of packing stuff onto the piece name, I would recommend adding a new option, such as o for orientation with a default of 0 and possible values of 90, 180, and 270.
Approached differently, the values could be 0-7, and the piece rotated clockwise 45 degrees times that value.
However, making it a command option still rotates only a piece in an illustration, or an entire set on an ID, unless it can be put after the p= argument. Even then, if I'm reading it right, it'd rotate the entire piece, and not just one part of a combo.
Approached differently, the values could be 0-7, and the piece rotated clockwise 45 degrees times that value.
However, making it a command option still rotates only a piece in an illustration, or an entire set on an ID, unless it can be put after the p= argument. Even then, if I'm reading it right, it'd rotate the entire piece, and not just one part of a combo.
(And I did say "maybe.")