🕸📝Fergus Duniho wrote on Tue, Mar 28, 2023 05:32 PM UTC:
I was examining what the individual Interactive Diagram for each piece reveals, and it gets some things wrong. For the Long Leaper, it indicates that it can capture a Pawn at the edge of the board, yet it cannot, because there is no space behind it to land on. For the Chameleon, it works the same as a Long Leaper, yet the Chameleon cannot capture the Pawn with the powers of the Long Leaper.
For some pieces, the individual Interactive Diagram just isn't that helpful. Since there is no King on the board, the Coordinator shows the same inability to capture as the Immobilizer. Also, both are given the Betza code `mQ`.
When I played a game, Coordinators captured as they should. This game didn't provide the same opportunity to test Immobilizers. At one point, it let me move into check and captured my King to win. After taking back some moves, it declared mate for a position I don't think is mate. Here is that game:
I was examining what the individual Interactive Diagram for each piece reveals, and it gets some things wrong. For the Long Leaper, it indicates that it can capture a Pawn at the edge of the board, yet it cannot, because there is no space behind it to land on. For the Chameleon, it works the same as a Long Leaper, yet the Chameleon cannot capture the Pawn with the powers of the Long Leaper.
For some pieces, the individual Interactive Diagram just isn't that helpful. Since there is no King on the board, the Coordinator shows the same inability to capture as the Immobilizer. Also, both are given the Betza code `mQ`.
When I played a game, Coordinators captured as they should. This game didn't provide the same opportunity to test Immobilizers. At one point, it let me move into check and captured my King to win. After taking back some moves, it declared mate for a position I don't think is mate. Here is that game:
1. c3 a3 2. b4 Ca4 3. ff3 cxc4 4. Lb4 ch4 5. f5 hxc4 6. c5 Le5 7. Ixc3-b2 Lexc5-b5 8. Ib4 bc7 9. Kc2 cxc4 10. ?d5=P Lbxd5-e5 11. Wd2 Lexc3-a1 12. Xfxd2-d1 cg4 13. gf2 ag3 14. Cxc8-a8 Cxa8-a7 15. Kb1 Laxa2-a5 16. Wd6 Lh5 17. Wxe7-a3 Lhxh2-h1 18. Le1 W-h6-g5 19. ?a2=P W-e3-d2 20. Kb2 Wxe1-b4 21. Xd7 Kxd7
When I continued the game by moving my King into the corner, it did not capture my King, because the King was in fact safe.