To me, Recognized suggests games that have achieved some notable popularity at some time,
That's hard to measure, has vague boundaries, and has nothing to do with our actions. So, if we just focused on which games are recognized, we would be trying to determine what is so instead of making something so through our own actions.
while Featured would include games that are considered to be deserving of recognition.
Yes, another reason to focus on featured games rather than recognized games is that is allows us to spotlight a game for its quality and not just for its popularity or historic value.
That's hard to measure, has vague boundaries, and has nothing to do with our actions. So, if we just focused on which games are recognized, we would be trying to determine what is so instead of making something so through our own actions.
Yes, another reason to focus on featured games rather than recognized games is that is allows us to spotlight a game for its quality and not just for its popularity or historic value.