There must be something in the Apache .conf file that blocks access to this directory. I have no experience with the Apache server (on I use lighttpd), but some googling suggests this file should be called apache2.conf. I could not find it using an ssh connection, so I guess it is in a part of the file system that is not accessible to 'chessvariants' (/etc/webmin/apache/ ?).
Not that it is particularly important to place fen2.cgi in that folder. It would be fine anywhere, as long as CGI files are executed by the server there. This probably also requires some changes in the Apache config file, as by default CGI (or PHP for that matter) is switched off.
[Edit] Could also be /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf .
[Edit2] I see you already tried that...
[Edit3] There is a line
ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ "/var/www/cgi-bin/"
in the httpd.conf. Could this be the problem? Perhaps the /var/www should also be changed to /home/chessvariants/public_html here? Or perhaps safer: the /var/www/cgi-bin directory could be made writable for user 'chessvariants', so we can all put files like fen2.cgi there, without running the risk to enabe all kinds of stuff that we no longer know what it does.
There must be something in the Apache .conf file that blocks access to this directory. I have no experience with the Apache server (on I use lighttpd), but some googling suggests this file should be called apache2.conf. I could not find it using an ssh connection, so I guess it is in a part of the file system that is not accessible to 'chessvariants' (/etc/webmin/apache/ ?).
Not that it is particularly important to place fen2.cgi in that folder. It would be fine anywhere, as long as CGI files are executed by the server there. This probably also requires some changes in the Apache config file, as by default CGI (or PHP for that matter) is switched off.
[Edit] Could also be /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf .
[Edit2] I see you already tried that...
[Edit3] There is a line
ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ "/var/www/cgi-bin/"
in the httpd.conf. Could this be the problem? Perhaps the /var/www should also be changed to /home/chessvariants/public_html here? Or perhaps safer: the /var/www/cgi-bin directory could be made writable for user 'chessvariants', so we can all put files like fen2.cgi there, without running the risk to enabe all kinds of stuff that we no longer know what it does.