L. Lynn Smith wrote on Thu, Nov 6, 2003 03:29 AM UTC:
Clicking on the Pawn and having capture a piece in a dummy position is
good. Just remember that this must work with or without Smart Moves.
you might create a macro with a simple change-type command on that Pawn.
In fact, you could change-type into a special looking dummy piece which
denotes that it has won. For instance, a Pawn with a halo. Just the
presense of this piece would negate the necessity of the dummy position.
The entire macro for the Pawn could read:
(define win-move
(verify (in-zone? end-zone))
(change-type HaloedPawn)
I've found that a simple (add HaloedPawn) will not work since it is not
primitive that occurs during the move but after the move.
Then the win-condition would be the mere presence of this special Pawn.
Neat, huh?