But the preset GC for Devingt Chess is not OK. It should not be published as this. It is an unfinished work because I don't know how to code several rules:
castling: the K may move 2 OR 3 sq towards the R
en-passant: a pawn on 7 should be able to take en-passant an opposed pawn that had moved 3 sq.
promotion: only for captured pieces, a pawn on 9 cannot step on 10 if no piece is available.
The page for Devingt Chess is OK.
But the preset GC for Devingt Chess is not OK. It should not be published as this. It is an unfinished work because I don't know how to code several rules:
castling: the K may move 2 OR 3 sq towards the R
en-passant: a pawn on 7 should be able to take en-passant an opposed pawn that had moved 3 sq.
promotion: only for captured pieces, a pawn on 9 cannot step on 10 if no piece is available.