for some reason i get the following error message in a game of judkin shogi:
Syntax Error on line 587
The cond operator requires at least three arguments.
Since that line is from the shogi include file, which i suppose was well checked, i don't know how i could possibly correct that. Who can tell me, what's the problem?
I copy and paste the relevant part (from the pawndropcheckmate subroutine - even though i didn't use a pawn in my move)
the relevant line is the one with an arrow.
sub pawndropcheckmate pawn spot:
my allies;
local king kingmoves black test to;
verify empty #spot and onboard #spot;
if == #pawn P:
set king where #spot 0 -1;
set black true;
set king where #spot 0 1;
set black false;
verify == space #king cond #black k K;
set kingmoves merge leaps #king 1 0 leaps # 1 1;
for to #kingmoves:
------> if not cond #black islower isupper space #to or empty #to and onboard #to:
move #king #to;
set checked fn cond #black ATTACKEDBYW ATTACKEDBYB #to;
verify #checked;
Hello, for some reason i get the following error message in a game of judkin shogi:
Syntax Error on line 587
The cond operator requires at least three arguments.
Since that line is from the shogi include file, which i suppose was well checked, i don't know how i could possibly correct that. Who can tell me, what's the problem? I copy and paste the relevant part (from the pawndropcheckmate subroutine - even though i didn't use a pawn in my move) the relevant line is the one with an arrow.
Thank you, Armin