L. Lynn Smith wrote on Sun, Oct 5, 2003 02:01 PM UTC:
To be able to drop pieces on both sides of the playing field:
Start with filling all the set-up positions of Black with dummy pieces
called 'null'. Be sure these belong to the appropriate player, Black
nulls on Black's side.
White will begin with all its pieces off. Black only has the nulls.
Then specify the exact positions in the drops. Example: The macro will
read, '(define piece-drop ($1 (verify (and empty? (piece? null
$2)))(change-type $3 $2) add))'. In the drops section of the King piece
could read, '(piece-drop e1 e8 King)'.
This can be done to desired patterns, mirror or whatever. The programmer
can have several options in the same drops section for each piece.
If there is a checkmate condition for the King, just place a Black King
a dummy position to satisfy the Zillions program's initiation.