In response to Ralph's comment, I've done the forking power calculation
for a few more pieces. The magic number is 0.67
Piece Mobility Forking Total % Fork
Nightrider 7.82 29.53 9.09 14.0
Rook 7.72 29.23 8.97 14.0
One thing I've noticed (and should have expected) is that the 'forking
power' value is very close to being proportional to mobility squared.
These pieces illustrate about the most variation I can create in FP for
'normal' pieces of about the same mobility. Archangel is gryphon +
Piece Mobility Forking Total % Fork
Archangel 13.10 98.07 17.32 24.4
Queen 13.44 91.32 17.37 22.6
FAND 13.56 95.38 17.66 23.2
Clearly, these differences are too small to test. So while we know there
is some superlinear dependence of value on mobility, we can't yet say
whether that is most related to forking power, multi-move mobility, or