Check out Makruk (Thai Chess), our featured variant for March, 2025.

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Games on Game Courier. A listing of Chess variants for Game Courier, ranked by number of times played.[All Comments] [Add Comment or Rating]
Kevin Pacey wrote on Mon, Aug 14, 2017 11:32 PM UTC:

Logs of finished games of a particular variant seem inaccessible via "All Games on Game Courier" at this point. When one clicks on the highlighted 'Number' to see the logs of finished games of a particular variant, one is referred by a link back to uncompleted games currently still being played of various variants. Although, finished games of a variant can be accessed another way, by looking at them via the Game Logs filter. However, if one wishes, say, to provide a link, to get to a page of just all finished games of a particular variant, on a CVP webpage (or e.g. external blog), then at least in the past I found linking to the search result page of the Game Logs filter would later in fact not show the desired finished game logs page, if someone clicked on such a link.