George Duke wrote on Tue, Nov 15, 2016 03:06 PM EST:
After three games of Carlsen-Karjakin New York 2016, predictably Simpleminded Draws lead 3 to zero to zero.
The third game yesterday was far the best to watch live:
Game_3. In game three after Move 20 exchange, for which see the middle of the above article, there are just two pieces per side, Rook and Bishop versus Rook and Knight, and the Draw resolves at Move 78. So it is practically a 20-move opening and 60-move endgame with no middle game. The sidebar tells winning chances when Live, in Game 3 it was hovering around 60-40 for Carlsen, but never mentioned is watchers could see win for Karjakin if Carlsen made a subpar move. All the GMs commenting were yakking Carlsen is on the verge. Game 4 is starting this minute and Karjakin has White. Who will win the first game and then another, and with two games victorious probably the world F.I.D.E. title for 2016-2018?
FIDE Look at dramatic Karjakin 18 Bxh6 done this moment.
After three games of Carlsen-Karjakin New York 2016, predictably Simpleminded Draws lead 3 to zero to zero.
The third game yesterday was far the best to watch live:
Game_3. In game three after Move 20 exchange, for which see the middle of the above article, there are just two pieces per side, Rook and Bishop versus Rook and Knight, and the Draw resolves at Move 78. So it is practically a 20-move opening and 60-move endgame with no middle game. The sidebar tells winning chances when Live, in Game 3 it was hovering around 60-40 for Carlsen, but never mentioned is watchers could see win for Karjakin if Carlsen made a subpar move. All the GMs commenting were yakking Carlsen is on the verge. Game 4 is starting this minute and Karjakin has White. Who will win the first game and then another, and with two games victorious probably the world F.I.D.E. title for 2016-2018?
FIDE Look at dramatic Karjakin 18 Bxh6 done this moment.