Tabletop Simulator is fine too. It's less of a strict game simulator and more of a physics sandbox designed to simulate tabletop games. It wasn't made to enforce rules and only real-time play is possible, so it's a little closer to OTB than correspondence play. Unless you're using scripting, programming isn't required to make new games, though you might need to make models for objects that you can't find. There are guides availible for easily creating games in Tabletop Simulator, but as of right now, I'm too lazy to find them. There's already a few CVs on Steam Workshop, including Portal Chess, an original variant.
Tabletop Simulator is fine too. It's less of a strict game simulator and more of a physics sandbox designed to simulate tabletop games. It wasn't made to enforce rules and only real-time play is possible, so it's a little closer to OTB than correspondence play. Unless you're using scripting, programming isn't required to make new games, though you might need to make models for objects that you can't find. There are guides availible for easily creating games in Tabletop Simulator, but as of right now, I'm too lazy to find them. There's already a few CVs on Steam Workshop, including Portal Chess, an original variant.