H. G. Muller wrote on Fri, Oct 11, 2013 04:27 PM EDT:
The main practical consequences of the stalemate rule on the game of Chess
* KPK can be a drawn end-game. When stalemate is a win, KPK would be an
easy win even with a Rook Pawn (when the Pawn is not tactically lost).
* KNNK would be a win as well (but should be just as rare as KBNK).
* KBPK with Rook Pawn and wrong Bishop would be a win.
* KQKP with supported 7th-rank Pawn would be a win even for Rook and Bishop
I think especially losing the possibility to draw KPK would be a loss to
the richness of the game. It is really a very interesting end-game.