Yu Ren Dong wrote on Fri, Apr 27, 2012 01:53 PM UTC:
Mr. Ed, I could tell answer. It is called 圖嘿.
Recently, I got a Shatar book(259 pages).
This book's name is è’™å¤è±¡æ£‹.
This book was wrote by a passed Mongol man å½æ¥šå…‹æž—é’, and translated to Chinese by his son. å½æ¥šå…‹æž—é’ said some old rules in Shatar.
1. Open: There are two kind Open in Shatar.
Chahar Style:Two players must do double initial move with the king’s pawn.
Ujimqin Style:Two players must do double initial move with the Queen’s pawn.
2. Pomotion:
Pawn reaching the last row couldn't promote. But it could move diagonally backward one step. When Pwan reaches the 4st row from the last row, it could only promote to Queen(Called Tiger or Lion).
However, player could decide another choice, but he must declare when his Pawn reaches the last row. When Pawn reaches the second row from the last row, it could only promote to åŠèƒ½è™Ž(Half Power Tiger) or called 目車(Eye Chariot). åŠèƒ½è™Ž moves like Dragon King in Shogi.
3. Victory Point:
He also mentioned an old rule called 圖嘿(tuuxəi). I thank tuuxəi is like Komi on Go.
Player could make enemy left only two pieces(King and another piece) in the end . Then he must make starting check by Chariot or Queen and consecutive Check before chekmate.
Before checkmate, Number of consecutive Check is Number of 圖嘿.
If player win by common checkmate like Chess, he only got one 圖嘿.
Player usually made enemy left One King and One Pawn for having time to put his pieces to good positions to make consecutive Check.
In this book , author å½æ¥šå…‹æž—é’ wrote 100 End for example of 圖嘿. Many 圖嘿 are made end by Pawn's checkmate, few by Camel or Horse.