Jianying Ji wrote on Fri, Mar 7, 2003 09:45 PM UTC:
Chess had not had a tradition for handicaps, especially in the last
100 years. (Before that in the 18th 19th century there was odds chess
which I thought looks like a good and fairly comprehensive system, but
strangely it does not seem to have been adopted by organizations like
FIDE) So, recently I being thinking about handicap systems and thought
of a cross between shogi and chess that would provide a path toward
handicaps. What I propose is then the weaker player given a set of tokens
that give him the ability to drop captured pieces as his own for the
price of the value of the piece he is too drop. In a even game the second
player receive a small set of tokens to balance first mover advantage.
If both player play with infinite tokens, the game becomes chessgi. If
one side plays with infinite and the other player 0 then the infinite
would probably have a guarenteed win. If both side have a limited supply
of token then the game would have a finer balanced hadicaps.
These are just some ideas, any comment welcome.