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Charles Gilman wrote on Mon, May 3, 2010 06:36 AM UTC:
I have now identified 4 odd integers n for which the cubic board has:
(1) an x:y:z leaper of length root n;
(2) directions of that leaper at right angles to each other;
(3) a dual leaper of length root 2n, resulting from the hypotenuse of two x:y:z leaps;
(4) a resulting leaper of length n, resulting from x x:y:z moves in one direction, y in another, and z in a third;
(5) directions of that leaper at right angles to each other;
(3) a dual leaper of length 2n, resulting from the hypotenuse of two of those leaps.

They are:

5Knight[2:-1:0]+[1:2:0]=[3:1:0] Camel2[1:2:0]+[2:-1:0]+0=[4:3:0] Antelope[4:-3:0]+[3:4:0]=[7:1:0] Namel
9Ninja[2:2:-1]+[2:-1:2]=[4:1:1] Nimel2[2:1:2]+2[1:2:-2]+[2:-2:1]=[8:4:1] Ultimatum[4:8:-1]+[4:-1:8]=[8:7:7] Lumel
13Zebra[3:-2:0]+[2:3:0]=[5:1:0] Zemel3[2:3:0]+2[3:-2:0]+0=[12:5:0] Zoetrope[12:-5:0]+[5:12:0]=[17:7:0] Zomel
17Giraffe[4:-1:0]+[1:4:0]=[5:3:0] Gimel4[4:1:0]+[-1:4:0]+0=[15:8:0] Gyroscope[15:-8:0]+[8:15:0]=[23:7:0] Gymel
Given that the name Antelope is fixed it makes sense for the name of the symmetric n coprime leaper to be relatively unconnected to the root-n one's - although I manage to convey a double connection with Zoetrope and Gyroscope. However, it occurs to me that something could be done with forward-only (FO) pieces to make more use of a limited number of initials. For examnple the FO versions of the Antelope/Namel/Anu, currently named Quintet/Qump/Qandyman, could be renamed Haste/Hardness/Heaven (the first indicating fast movement, the second a quality of enamel, the third the sky personified by Anu). The FO versions of the Ultimatum/Lumel/Uluru would then be the Daste/Dardness/Deaven, those of the Zoetrope/Zomel Saste/Sardness, and those of the Gyroscope/Gymel Baste/Bardness. There would however then need to be new names for the FO versions of the Natamaran and Narrier, to replace Qull and Qold.

There would also need to be replacements for Rook+Anu=Qomestead, Bishop+Anu=Qallow, Queen+Anu=Qarridan, and Unicorn+Anu=Qarbinger. At this point it occurred to me that I should yet again rethink the names for compounds of a radial linepiece and an oblique triangulator. There were some ideas that I'd had building on the Ace-Acme pattern. At the time I judged them too vague, but now I can see the advantage of aplying them to semi-dual pairs as well. Thus if the Gnu's Rook/Bishop/Queen/Unicorn compounds, currently the Homestead/Hallow/Harridan/Harbinger, were to become the Acropolis/Actor/Actress/Acuity (last referring to unicorn having sharp horn) this would make things easier as not only would the Nintu's compounds become the Inropolis/Intor/Intress/Inuity and the Zebu's the Ezropolis/Eztor/Eztress/Ezuity, the Antelope's could be the Anropolis/Antor/Antress/Anuity (derived name rather than misspelled real word) but also the Lefanu's the Elropolis/Eltor/Eltress/Eluity and the Feu's the Efropolis/Eftor/Eftress/Efuity. Of course I have already used the Gnu compounds in two variants, so I have to decided to check whether anyone objects to renaming them.

That will still leave the question of what H-names should replace Qull and Qold, so any suggestions for those two are welcome. Others will be needed for the Qaymaker (Fieldmouse+Numbat) and its own FO version the Qillock, prefebly ending with -er and -ock respectively.