George Duke wrote on Sat, Feb 6, 2010 05:05 PM UTC:
Grosses Schach 10x10 has five paired exotic piece-types in the back rank
behind the King and Queen.
Pawns are regular, and the regular-piece line is the second, files 2 and 9, with the only necessary addition there Einhorn/Unicorn, who is another Knight strengthened with Trebouchet (0,3).
Cornered Adler moves like Bison to squares called 1,3 and 2,3. Minister moves like Rook and captures as Bishop. Kardinal moves like Bishop and captures as Rook.
Later Winkelspecht's Divergent Chess (1999) copies the style of those two piece-types, though Grosses Schach is not the first either with the technique:
Hammer is to Pfeil as Minister is to Kardinal. And Hammer and Pfeil are certainly brand-new piece-type inventions. They make Grosses Schach an excellent original novelty CV, though not suitable Next Chess for having too many exotics.