George Duke wrote on Fri, Feb 5, 2010 07:12 PM UTC:
[Comment revised 6.Feb.10] Uwe Kreuzer showed me this CV, and we played a couple games of Grosses
Schach 10x10 at Game Courier, one of which ended 24.December.2005:
One relevance is merely German like Die Schwalbe. Another is Adler jumps like Bison/Falcon. Figure about everything C.V.Page has done since 1994 has its equivalent volume online in German since 1994 with but 25-50% overlap of actual material. Who knows exactly? It is the obvious way to expand if or when, or now that, we run out of ideas. Those prolificist designers specializing in reworks, and more than one are 100% participants that way, can just lift the unknown German reversedly by their very own bootstraps with minimal acknowledgement or attribution -- or properly plenty of it so long as there is the variantist tweak to call the new behemoth one's own. Constructively over half the time ''re-inventions'' are not deliberate but inadvertent from the impossibility anymore knowing all what is out there, from the profound to the puerile. The world of CVs a many-spendoured thing or multi-faceted phenomenon in many languages: from the fiery to the rotten, many are theories or theorems, and others are shadows, from lively malices or mere whims and amiabilities, naive or pedantic, to the bizarre and the grotesque, one and all by dedicated CVers making a statement.
[Source: last two lines copy or try parodying opening of this Fort whose other quotes are in Chess Moralities: Well-known photo shows anomalist Fort playing 1000-square chess.]
Not fitting any obvious category -- to be analyzed in follow-up -- fine Grosses Schach in the first link itself is original from the late 1990s, after Falcon/Bison was first put into a CV December 1992.