Check out Makruk (Thai Chess), our featured variant for March, 2025.

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Funny Notation[Subject Thread] [Add Response]
Glenn Overby II wrote on Sat, Jan 25, 2003 02:09 AM UTC:
Thanks, John.  I have z in my list of modifiers.

While compiling my notes, I was thinking about compound notation for such
pieces as bent riders and Xiangqi horses.  I have an idea involving () and
&, but wonder if other solutions exist.

Defining y as a modifier for 'away from the square of origin' (a common
enough limitation in these moves), we might have:

(W&yF) for the Xiangqi horse

F(F&yR) for the Gryphon.

I also considered extended notation for leaps greater than (3,3).  Since
there is an indefinite number of such leaps, the possibility of something
like [14] comes to mind in lieu of another hard-to-remember letter for a
(1,4) leaper.

[17][55] for the Root-Fifty Leaper.

I don't know what other extensions may be in existence or proposed.