I have now implemented a variant of the earlier
mentioned method of introducing an external
piece. Introduction now occurs when the pawn
moves away. This includes very many variants
with different external pieces. I have tested the
Camel in this context, too. The Camel is
interesting while it can be exchanged for two
pawns, thus breaking up the position. Zillions
does this often when playing against itself.
The players, in their first move, decide
from which file they aim to introduce the
external piece. In this case, the external
piece has previously been positioned
on the knight file. It is introduced to g2 when
the knight pawn moves. Black introduces his
piece when the bishop pawn moves. Pilgrim Chess
mentioned method of introducing an external
piece. Introduction now occurs when the pawn
moves away. This includes very many variants
with different external pieces. I have tested the
Camel in this context, too. The Camel is
interesting while it can be exchanged for two
pawns, thus breaking up the position. Zillions
does this often when playing against itself.
The players, in their first move, decide
from which file they aim to introduce the
external piece. In this case, the external
piece has previously been positioned
on the knight file. It is introduced to g2 when
the knight pawn moves. Black introduces his
piece when the bishop pawn moves.
Pilgrim Chess